Love is Caught, Not Taught

Love is Caught, not Taught

As children’s ministry leaders, we often find ourselves teaching about love—explaining what it is to children, why it’s important, and how it should be expressed. In fact, the word love appears in the Bible over 550 times! (In NIV and ESV) But the truth is, love is not something that can merely be taught; it must be caught. Children can’t truly understand love by merely hearing about it. But they can grasp its meaning when they experience it firsthand. The book of James reminds us that faith without deeds is useless. He uses the example of someone who sees someone hungry and simply says, “Be warm and well fed,” but if they do nothing, they have not shown love at all (James 2:15-17). Similarly, if we talk about love without demonstrating it, our words are hollow. There are kids in our ministries that need love – some extra doses! James goes on to say, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them” (James 4:17). We are commanded to love the children in our care – and we must not neglect to do so! Love is more than just a concept to discuss; it’s an action…

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Oh, You Sexy Document!

Sexy Document

Let’s be honest, “Document Management” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of excitement. But in our digital age, where files are constantly emailed back and forth, edited by multiple people, and frequently updated, effective document management is essential. Without it, things can quickly spiral into chaos – and nobody wants that. That’s why the 6th video in my Ministry Management series is Master Your Documents! (No More Chaos!). This video will help you bring order to the madness. We’ve all felt the frustration of searching for the latest version of a file or losing important work due to computer errors. But did you ever notice that the letters in the word LIFE can be rearranged to spell FILE? Sometimes, it feels like managing documents is all we do! Without a solid strategy, managing countless virtual files can be overwhelming. In this training, I’ll cover how to organize your files effectively and keep them on T.A.S.K. (a strategic approach to managing your ideas). I’ll also dive into the S.A.F.E. method, which outlines four key strategies for protecting your valuable documents and ideas. Plus, you’ll learn a unique document naming protocol (Oooo, doesn’t that sound sexy?!) that…

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