Another Kidology Coaching Graduate Says “Thanks”

If you have ever considered Kidology Coaching, read what this recent graduate has to say… (edited down from a much longer detailed account of her experience and how it helped her.)

February 26, 2013

coachinglogo13Dear Karl:

I remember my first experiences in Children’s Ministry as a recent college grad. There were little resources at that time. I researched, listened to your podcasts and read forum conversations with great interest. When I began the Coaching program I was anticipating a quality experience. What I received was something greater than I expected.

Coach Barney has been an invaluable source of encouragement and support. This Coaching experience has been a leadership makeover for me. The journey has been more about remodeling the soul of a minister than adding to my resume. I have wanted to be coached in leadership for years. This process has been life changing. Kidology Coaching has prepared me for a career position in a healthy, mid-size church. Like an athletic coach, Barney came alongside to strengthen my gifts and talents. At the same time, he also helped me redefine my leadership skills plus I even added some new skills. Thanks to my Coaching experience, I am now ready to take my ministry to a whole new level.

Thanks Karl, for this incredible gift. I have been encouraged and equipped to expand my leadership potential. I am looking forward to what the Graduate Program will hold. Kidology has proven to be one of the best investments in my leadership experience.

Jeanette Beland

Kidology Coaching has the potential to be a life-changer. If you are ready to take your life and ministry to the next level, you owe it to yourself to give Kidology Coaching a close look.







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