What if a Kidmin had reached little Bobba?

Over in the Kidmin Talk forum discussion on Kidmin Talk Episode 49: Mutiny, The Kids Have Taken Over Kids Church, I am offering a FREE SCAR FORCE VBS to someone who posts a picture of their favorite Star Wars character! One poster, Matt Owens, suggested: Karl, my favorite character is Boba Fett. He’s a clone among millions, but he’s the only one who saw Jango as his father. He had such a heart-breaking childhood experience and he chose a path of bitterness and vengeance. This kid needed a Kidmin in his life! It made me think, YES! Imagine if a children’s pastor could have found poor little Bobba and invited him to a bounty hunter VBS or clone summer camp or discipled him in the power of spiritual weapons, instead of hunting Han Solo, he could have been a missionary evangelists to bounty hunters and the galaxy could have been saved so much turmoil! He could have been a galactic version of the Apostle Paul! What a lost opportunity for sure. Imagine how different the entire Star Wars saga could have been if someone had reached that poor little poor at a young age – a boy who had experienced…

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REVIEW: The Lost Medallion

I found the Lost Medallion! And with it, I traveled into the future and saw this movie that is coming out in theaters NEXT MONTH! Here is my review, before the movie even hits theaters! Truly, the Medallion is powerful! No worries, right before returning from the future, I replaced the Medallion to the place where I found it so as not to disturb the space time continuum – you really don’t want to mess with that! Last time I did, I nearly kissed my mom at a dance in the 50’s! McFly! Anyway, I really enjoyed it. (Dare, I admit tissue needed at the end?) It reminded me of The Princess Bride in that the story was written in response to requests from children (though not many people know the Princess Bride was written from a list of things the author’s daughter asked to be in a bedtime story) – In this movie, it was a group of gathered foster kids who asked for a story. It also reminded me of Second Hand Lions in that while the sets and acting and effects may have been sub-par for a ‘realistic’ major motion picture, it wasn’t intended to be ‘realistic’…

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Andy and the Ants Children’s Book Coming

Find out how you can get AN EXCLUSIVE AUTOGRAPHED LARGE COPY! Many who have been on Kidology.org for years are familiar with my children’s story, Andy and the Ants. I wrote it in high school, based on a true childhood experience of mine, as an illustration of the incarnation of Christ – it is the story of a boy who becomes an ant in order to save an anthill from destruction. Many have encouraged me over the decades to have it published. Several years ago a women fully illustrated it for me on her own initiative because she was so inspired by the story. The time has come. My new years resolution for 2013 was to finally publish Andy and the Ants this year, and I have an incredible team of three highly skilled professional gals working on it, the artist is even adding some new illustrations as the storyboard comes together, and there will even be a video version withe me narrating the story for use in children’s church. It should be in print this summer. However, I am “letting the cat out of the bag” in order to make a very special offer to my blog readers. Self…

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An Open Letter to Discouraged Children’s Workers

Sometimes you wonder if you are making a difference. You know who you are. You labor quietly and gently. You show tenderness to the meek; kind firmness to the rebellious. You extend grace where possible and longsuffering with kids, parents and even fellow children’s workers who try to get under your skin. You pray secretly for those who are hurting, especially those who mistreat you. You display a cheerful countenance, always trying to greet and encourage newcomers. Whether they are into goth, punk, the latest techno gadget, or self-absorbed behavior, you treat them all with the same level of respect. You may not know it just yet, but they notice the difference. And it matters to them. Even if they do not admit it. Sometimes you wonder if you are making a difference. You wonder if the hours and minutes you spend preparing lessons and interacting with the children has kingdom impact. You wonder if the words you speak are finding fertile soil in which to blossom. You wonder if that hurting child, over whom you have cried tears in prayer and travail, will ever experience the breakthrough you know that God desires to provide. It is happening already. God…

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The Pastor of Sandwich

It is always a fun and unpredictable time when those who work with children get together! And the highlights of a Children’s Pastors Conference are often from around a table sharing a meal, rather than a workshop or general session – as wonderful and inspiring as they may, in fact, be for helping with one’s ministry. But I’ve long made by Mission one of “Equipping and Encouraging” because I know that laughter is often as needed as another great idea or resource. In that spirit, one of the highlights of CPC this year, happened not at the conference at all, but as Tom and John and I, joined by some new friends from the shuttle, Darcie and Rebecca, where hanging out at my favorite restaurant in Downtown Disney, The Earl of Sandwhich. When I suggested this location for our pre-conference meal I explained that it was named after the inventor of the sandwich! Which is explained the cups you get your drinks out of: As a bit of fun, I invited each person at the table to read the cup in their own dramatic fashion, as they would if it were a movie trailer, or as they might for a…

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