If I had to sum up in one word why I go to the Children’s Pastors Conference every year, I know exactly what it would be.
While there are many reasons to attend, there is one reason that trumps all the others. Some go to enjoy awesome adult worship – something they rarely get to experience in weekly ministry to children. Others in order to be trained in countless practical workshops – I teach some nearly every year, so of course I believe in the value they offer. Still others see it as an opportunity to hear from great speakers in the general sessions. In person always beats an online webinar. Many go because it is the only place you can be exposed to all kinds of kidmin resource providers in the country all in one place, and have all the publishers there to see what they are offering. A few see it as a chance to get away from the routine and familiar surroundings of their weekly church job… but while ALL of these are reasons I love the Children’s Pastors Conference, my #1 reason can be summed up in this one word:
CPC is where I get to connect with people who share my passion for children’s ministry. Facebook faces, twitter usernames, forum ID’s and e-mail addresses are transformed into people. While I love the general sessions, workshops, exhibit hall and getting away – it is the conversations I have in the hallways, in my booth, before and after workshops and around the tables at CPC that make it a “must attend” event for me annually.
You’ve heard it said, ‘Ministry is People,’ – well this is one place where you get a gathering of people all about what you live for: ministry to children.
There are many great conferences to choose from today. All are great, honestly, but CPC is my favorite because of the people I connect with when I’m there. It is still the biggest kidmin conference that is completely neutral in it’s approach, allowing all publishers and small ministries to come and exhibit – and it’s focused on kids ministry, so it provides the best networking opportunity for children’s ministry leaders and volunteers.
Check out just some of the AMAZING people I’ve gotten to meet at CPC:
I look forward to seeing you at CPC in 2015. Drop by my booth and ask for your “secret prize” and I’ll have a gift just for you for reading this and accepting my invitation to join me!