I wish this was my church!

A good friend of mine just instant messaged me about this church sermon series: Man, does this look GOOD! Here is an overview of the series: Check it out yourself at: Mariner’s Church (though from the URL the page will most likely change for the next series, that’s why I captured it here) All I want to know is, can I buy the sermon CDs???? I’m hoping you will be able to watch the sermons here

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Major League Bastian in Town

You may remember when I bragged that my little brother went to the Major Leagues! As an MLB.com beat reporter that is. Well, he was in town this week for the Blue Jays vs. the White Sox series. But the first thing he did when he arrived was the Presentation: The Presentation of the Frank Thomas Ball In April I went to visit my brother in Dietroit and got to meet Frank Thomas. The highlight wasn’t meeting this famous ball hitter, it was hearing my little brother (who I taught baseball to) say, “Hey, Frank, I’d like you to meet my brother.” Of course, I wanted an auto-graph, but since we were in the clubhouse, and I was there with a temporary press pass, that is prohibited. So I had to settle for a hand shake. Even my brother, because he is press for Major Leage Baseball is not allowed to ask for autographes. So how did I get this? My autographed Frank Thomas Ball! Well, I also got to meet with John Gibbons, the Blue Jays manager, and after I left, he went and asked Frank for an autographed ball, and gave it to my brother and instructed him…

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Please Forgive Me (free song)

Today I want to post a FREE SONG from my church’s worship pastor, as well as part of an e-mail he sent out to introduce it. Worship, Prayer and Healing by Mark Chaffee Worship is who we are. Worship is what we do. We were MADE to worship. It is not something we can turn on and off like a water faucet, rather it flows from us like an untamable river. The only control we posses is in who or what we choose to worship at any particular time. Scripture abounds with encouragement of only worshipping the one true living God. Romans 1 talks of how people have “…exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.” (v. 25) The same is true of us today. At any given moment we could be worshipping ourselves, our possessions, time, job, money, family, friends, or any other “created” thing. If our focus is not on God, but something else, then in that moment we are placing the created above the creator. Wow, that is tough, isn’t it? In fact, I know of only one person who has ever been able to keep God…

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Children’s Pastor Videos

Just wanted to share these awesome videos made by children’s pastors. The first is from the blog of Sam Luce who creatively demonstrates the value of a local church investing in children’s ministry, and the second video is by Tim Balogh, one of my best friends, a Kidology trainer and former Kidology staff, who gives an introduction to his children’s ministry on his website. ENJOY, and BE INSPIRED! Sam’s Video: Tim’s Video: Do you have a great children’s ministry video? I’d love to see it and share it for others to be inspired!

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