Luke’s Year and a Half Party!

It’s hard to believe it is true, but Baby Luke is now a year and a half old! Mom missed it because she was off becoming a Woman of Faith and I was watching a friend’s kids for the day, so after a trip to the Dollar Store for party stuff, we had a short but fun birthday party for Lukie. It’s Party Time! Notice one and a half cakes with one and a half candles! Though help was needed blowing out the candles. The party was so exciting, here is Luke yawning as his candles are blown out! The best part of the party for Luke, of course, was not the dollar store presents, it was getting to EAT CAKE, as you can see in this video: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!

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Mysterious Green Dot

This is just too cool, I had to post it. It shows how amazing, and how crazy the brain is! CHECK OUT THIS PICTURE: 1) If you follow the moving pink dot with your eye, it will stay pink. 2) If you focus on the center cross, you will see a green dot moving around the pink ones. 3) If you keep concentrating on the cross all the pink dots will disappear and there will be only a moving green dot. BUT! There is NO GREEN DOT! Ever. And the pink dots DO NOT disappear. Just just illustrates how what we think we see is not always accurate. It could also illustrate how if we focus on the Cross the little things of life will fade and we will begin to see God move in ways that others can not see! Thanks to my Uncle John for sending me this!

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Towering Speed Stacks!

This isn’t the first time I’ve blogged about a giant stack of Speed Stacks falling down, but sometimes it is the simple things in life that bring the greatest joy. Had some employee kids hangin’ out in the office today. (No, I don’t employ children, I mean children of an employee!) The Kidology Headquarters is filled with a LOT of toys and props, but playing with Speed Stacks is often the favorite pass time of kids doomed to hang out while mom works. Their favorite thing is building giant towers to… uh, knock over, and build again. But this time I got into it when they couldn’t reach the top of their tower, and I couldn’t stand to have seven extra cups unused, so I made a single tower and placed it on top. Here are the proud architects of this Tower of Stacks. Unfortunately, for the cups, they didn’t get to stay stacked for long, as you’ll see in this video: Luckily for me, clean up time is just as fun!

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Let God Take Care of the World

My dad sends links like my grandma used to send newspaper clippings. Today he sent me a link to a short article and interview with Brian Doerksen. He is asked why he isn’t well known when he has been involved with over 25 worship albums, and his answer is: ‘When I first felt called to do this more than 20 years ago, I wanted to perform music on big stages. But God quickly called me to be all about worship, which is really, “Notice God, don’t notice me.” ‘ While I love his attitude, he rips a little on well-known worship leaders. The reality is, we, as a culture, can only “know” so many people, and we get saturated. Plus, he’s in Canada! (j/k) I just hope he isn’t assuming those who are well known are less spiritual just because they are well known. Being well known isn’t a sin. Godly people can be well known, and they aren’t less godly just because lots of people appreciate them or their ministry. What matters is the heart either way. I am very thankful for Jeremy Riddle, Jeramy Camp, Lincoln Brewster, Mercy Me, and even the Newsboys, and I worship deeply through…

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