Luke Belongs in the Zoo

Today was Sara’s Birthday. (I’ve been forbidden to say which one!) So I took the day off and we celebrated the day my wife was born by first having a Micky Mouse breakfast (sorry, no pictures, it was before we were in any state to be blogged!) complete with pancakes, eggs, bacon, juice etc. served on Mickey plates and glasses and then it was time for Mickey Mouse gifts I picked up when I was at Walt’s Place* earlier this year. Then, after nap time the real adventure of the day began, it was off to: (click on any images to view larger) We purchased a membership to Brookfield Zoo this year since it’s just under $100 and pays for itself in just two visits. (Free admission and parking and some other benefits) We figured with a two year old it would be a good idea this year. Today would be Luke’s first visit to the Zoo in his entire life! So, of course, we invited Grandma and Grandpa to come along, who were also free because members can always bring a free guest and they give you six free additional free guest passes in addition to all the free…

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2007 – A Year in Review

One of the best things about blogging faithfully is the gift you give yourself at the end of each year. You get to relive your year and enjoy memories that otherwise may have faded or been lost! And so, just as I did last year, it is time to review the year 2007. And while there are fun times and dates and more serious reflective times, or meeting up with friends or family or ministry trips,  sometimes there is just humor, puzzles or simple complaining. My favorites are the purely sentimental. This is not to say the year was without hardship, heartbreak, or pain… (not everything is “blogable”) but through it all, God was an ever present help and showed Himself to be the best Friend, Redeemer and Savior anyone could ever want or need. So from God’s divine perspective, it was a great year for He accomplished His goals and continued to work on me to make me more the man and husband and father and servant of God He wants me to be. So here are my highlights of 2007; It was hard to choose just one post per month, but here they are: JANUARY:  Luke Turned One!…

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My Little Magicians Assistant

Yesterday Luke and I got to go on one of our “adventures.” (Every time we leave the house it is an “adventure” – Luke lights up and grabs his coat if we say “wanna go on an adventure?”) The adventure this time wasn’t shopping errands or out to eat but to visit the 3rd grade glass of one of my employees (her daughter that is!) to do a little last-day-of-school-before-Christmas party entertainment. After checking in to the office for our visitor stickers we were off! They said to put the sticker somewhere prominent! As you can see by these pictures taken by my bookkeeper, Patti, Luke never left my side! He seemed a little overwhelmed by all the kids. I hope he doesn’t figure out all my secrets from the close up spot! Well, at least if he figures them out, he can’t tell anyone! It felt funny to have him clinging to me the entire time. Eventually he found the courage to venture within ten feet of me. I actually can’t wait until he gets older and officially be my stage assistant… poor Luke will be levitated, cut in half, vanished and (hopefully) reappeared when the time comes. Until…

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Hangin’ with Hindus Today

Where was I going when it started to snow? I was offered a last minute “gig” today by a fellow performer who was overbooked for today – and since my wife was making cookies all day with a friend, I decided to go ahead and do the gig and get a little extra Christmas spending money. I had no idea where I was going – just to take my balloons and go entertain kids for two hours. I took a box of magic and a puppet too, ready for anything. As soon as I pulled up to the banquet hall I knew I was heading into a very nice place… and that I was going to be in the minority. (A good experience, one of the interesting aspects of foreign missions – its good to be the one who is unlike everyone else once and awhile.) As soon as I entered the banquet room I could see this was no streamers, dixie cups, pot-luck and Kool-aid event! I’d never seen covered chairs like this before, and on the stage was a beautifully decorated bassinet. Here is the woman who hired me, and this little two month old baby was the…

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A Colonial Thanksgiving

It was a real treat to get to spend this Thanksgiving in Williamsburg, VA. I know that was last week – but after posting about leaving, arriving, meeting up with friends, and more friends, and about an awesome kids pastor, matching sweaters, and even trash cans I took a break from my computer from Wednesday through Sunday and it was wonderful to be off line for several days in a row. Now that I am caught up on the hundreds of e-mails I got behind on… I thought I’d finally post about Thanksgiving. It was like traveling back in time! Except for all the people wearing weird clothes… referring to myself and the other tourists. I actually thought it would be an interesting idea to have an area where you had to be in period costume to get in, that would be fun. (But then the digital camera would still be a give away!) I tied Luke to a horse post as I explained to him what it was. Seconds later, a carriage came by and the driver called out that Luke was tied where he was going to be shortly! Luke watching the horse and carriage. Mom and Luke…

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