DiscipleTown for FREE?

THIS OFFER HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Well over 1000 Churches responded to this free offer and are now teaching How to Use the Bible. It is our best selling unit that equips kids to USE their Bibles for life. It’s only $44.95 for 4-5 weeks and is PACKED with creative tools and resources. It is well worth a closer look. (Only $39.95 for members of Kidology.org) Order Today! Yes! I’m excited to let you know that DiscipleLand.com is giving away 100% free full copies of my How to Use the Bible children’s church curriculum this month to subscribers of their free newsletter. THIS IS NOT A SAMPLE! This is the full and complete 4-5 week curriculum that you can use in your children’s church. This is your opportunity to find out why churches all over the world are using DiscipleTown – even if they don’t use DiscipleLand’s Sunday School materials. It is a strong stand alone children’s church curriculum that is highly creative, scripturally rich, incredibly flexible, engages the family and makes you look sharp! AND THIS MONTH ITS FREE! Why would a publisher give one of their BEST SELLING units away? Because they are a mission driven publisher with only…