DiscipleTown for FREE?

THIS OFFER HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Well over 1000 Churches responded to this free offer and are now teaching How to Use the Bible. It is our best selling unit that equips kids to USE their Bibles for life. It’s only $44.95 for 4-5 weeks and is PACKED with creative tools and resources. It is well worth a closer look. (Only $39.95 for members of Kidology.org) Order Today! Yes! I’m excited to let you know that DiscipleLand.com is giving away 100% free full copies of my How to Use the Bible children’s church curriculum this month to subscribers of their free newsletter. THIS IS NOT A SAMPLE! This is the full and complete 4-5 week curriculum that you can use in your children’s church. This is your opportunity to find out why churches all over the world are using DiscipleTown – even if they don’t use DiscipleLand’s Sunday School materials. It is a strong stand alone children’s church curriculum that is highly creative, scripturally rich, incredibly flexible, engages the family and makes you look sharp! AND THIS MONTH ITS FREE! Why would a publisher give one of their BEST SELLING units away? Because they are a mission driven publisher with only…

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Who is Jesus? Ask the Puppets!

Started my 3-week series in Kids Church this week with WHO IS JESUS? and what better way to start out, than to do a “Man on the Street” interview segment… but instead, I did a “Puppet on the Street” segment, or rather, to be more precise, “Puppets Out On My Back Deck.” But anyway, here was the result: If you noticed, it started raining! I get all the equipment set up, which is quite extensive for a quick video, tripod, camera, and for outdoors you need a mic and mic cables and then booster and power and amp and power strip and then extension cords and clip on and various adapters – and even so the wind was still a challenge. I had 24 minutes of tape left and a wife telling me dinner was ready in 17 minutes and the sun going down and its a Saturday idea, and no script! Just a tub of puppets! It was literally grab and talk and let the puppet decide what it would say! (Kinda like TBT) And then with clear skies while in the middle of recording – rain. Go figure. But I just kept going since I had very little…

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What Matters Now in Children’s Ministry

What happens when 33 children’s ministry thinkers are asked the question, “What Matters NOW in Children’s Ministry and given only 200 words to answers?” THIS FREE e-Book (Download 2.5MB PDF) Thank you to Henry Zonio for including me in this project as well as Matt Guevara, Amy Dolan for their hard work on it and Imago for their incredible design work which was donated. A print version will be available June 14th to help offset the costs of this beautiful and thought provoking contribution to the world of Children’s Ministry. If you are a Twitterer, be sure to follow @cmwhatmatters in order to be the first to learn of planned upcoming project related to this release. Use the hashtag #WMNkidmin when you tweet about it! I enjoyed reading all the contributions and found each thought provoking and challenging. The word I chose was: RELATIONSHIPS Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever. (Psalm 119:152) The most incredible aspect of Creation was that God walked in the garden with the crown of His creation. They had a relation-ship with God that sin severed: ending a fellowship we can only imagine. For centuries, that relationship became…

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Speak! Your Audience Listens!

From my article in CM Pro in February 2010: (the article, scratch that, the entire ISSUE is FREE for downloading below!) There is an old saying that says, if you want to get a message across to a large group of people you must say it “seven times in seven ways.” When it comes to church ministry, there is no doubt this is a great principle to take into every planning meeting for any program or event. The chances are you know them all and have used them all. As you should, and should continue! Rather, my aim is to change your thinking from “how can I better get information out” to “why aren’t they listening?” I bet those you are trying to reach have no problem knowing when their sports teams are playing and on what television channel, or where they need to drop off their kids for all their various non-church activities and at what time and at what theater the latest blockbuster movie will be playing. (Is the hair on the back of your neck rising?) Before you wring your hands and start complaining about how the church is such a low priority in the lives of…

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I finally solved it, but can you?

UPDATE: I posted this in 2010, about a poster I got before Y2K and it is now 2022 and I am STILL getting e-mails for the solution. This may be one of my most popular blog posts! I think I need to update the photo with a better image! LOL If you need the solution, comment and I will email you the answer. I have had this framed poster hanging in my home or office for over TEN YEARS (I think much longer!) and have offered a cash reward for years to whoever was the first to “find the identical pen men” if only to solve it for me! I have starred at it and wasted much of my life wondering if it wasn’t a cruel joke. And then tonight, I SOLVED IT! I have used all kinds of systems. I have had post-it notes on it, going row by row. I have made photo copies and cut it up and tried sorting it. But I never finished any system. Then here, in my new house in Colorado, I hung it up in the restroom in the new Kidology office thinking there I might have more time to devote to…

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