Children’s Ministry Wisdom

Things you might not know if it were not for children’s ministry: • In a room full of preschoolers, anything can happen when you close your eyes to pray. • Prayer requests reveal a lot about parents. • Helium tanks should be chained down tightly. • Cheap glue adheres to skin. • Kool Aid and song motions do not mix. • Grand pianos are not as durable as you might think. • Church maintenance men do not have a sense of humor. • Offering money always rolls to the other side of the room when dropped. • Hand-me-down sound systems can get loud when the adult service is taking communion. • Ushers do not have a sense of humor. • Parachute games should not be used in a room with a chandelier. • Animal crackers can be sneezed out the nose. • Girls are superior to boys. • There are reasons why pastor’s kids have a bad reputation. by Roger Fields ADD YOUR OWN IN COMMENTS!

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Radio Waves and GIANT Pork Tenderloin

As blogged last week, I got to be interviewed at the Equip Conference in Peoria last week. It was fun to talk about how my mom encouraged me as a boy to not wait until I “grew up” to serve the Lord (some would say I still haven’t!) as well as to give some highlights of the workshops. I gotta tell ya, radio interviews always go by SO fast… those 15 minutes seemed like only 5! They had me busy speaking nearly every session so the booth was run by some of our staff who did a great job, even dealing with the weirdos that come by the booth! Afterward we headed out to a local pub (recommended by my good Christian friend Bill Allison) who recommended I order their famous Pork Tenderloin… he said it was GIANT… and he wasn’t kidding! It was almost as big as the Giant Donut I had in Texas! I ordered without even looking at the menu (or the price) and dove in! That is one giant sandwich! There no way I was going to be able to finish it! So what do you do with a giant sandwich that you can’t finish? Play…

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Vader Did You Know?

OK, I somehow missed this at Christmas, but it is SO GOOD it is worth posting in January… have your Kleenex ready, its a tear jerker… There are so many subtle jokes that only true fans will catch, but even a casual Star Wars fan will still get a laugh out of it! ENJOY!

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