A Vacuum Powered Goat and More!
UP-DATE: A.R.M. 4000 XL Video below… Finally time for an update on our adventures! Bloggin’ on the train… The Amtrak ride was fun. There will be some more pictures and video later, but overall it was a good trip. It was relaxing, and fun to watch the scenery. The bumpiness was ok, though walking was sometimes rough, it was fine while sitting/sleeping. The bed was NOT very nice, planning a chiropractic visit upon my return! :) But, on the bright side, I found my retirement home… This is where I will retire…. if there is Internet, of course. 37 hours later, we arrived in Spokane. Contrary to online reviews, we arrived right on time… exept that ‘on time’ was 2:40am (4:40am Chicago time) so that added to an already rough night. We were greeted by Darth Vader, and Daniel Bigler. Our illuminated transport. The picture is blurry to capture the lights underneath that were also under the seats inside, the children’s pastor’s ministry vehicle. (see I’m not the only CP with a cool car to interest kids!) Non-blurry pictures coming in photo gallery. WOWIE! Fancy Schmancy! They surprised us by putting us up in the fanciest downtown hotel called The…