The Apple in my eye

It’s here. The MacBook Pro. The latest amazing development from Apple. For those who think that Apple or Mac users are still primarily an anti-Bill Gates fan club who are blindly loyal to Macs because of their hatred of PCs, they are way behind the times. Those crazy devoted Macites are just lucky they chose Macs, even if for silly or rebellious reasons originally, they chose a winner. By the way, without going into detail, Bill Gates makes money whether you buy a PC or Mac. So if you hate Bill Gates, get a yellow memo pad and a Bic pen, but my guess he owns stock in those companies to. So get over it. Apple computers are not a fad. They are simply better, and in every possible way. Let’s be clear. I am not a PC Man, or a Mac Man. I have gone back and forth between PC and Mac over the years – Atari 2600 (first computer!), Laser 128 (Mac), Toshiba T-1000 (PC), Apple IIc, Compaq (PC), PowerBook 180 (Mac with 16 shades of grey!), many WinBooks (PC), PowerBook G4 (Mac). (left several noname PCs out of the list) I am loyal to none of these.…

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I Kid U Not, we had a GREAT TIME!

Last weekend was the Kidology University in Appleton, Wisconsin, and it was a HUGE success! Here are just some highlight pictures…. it is in no way complete, and please no one get your feelings hurt if there is no picture of you. :) I just want to get some up due to the flood of emails pouring in demanding pictures!! This should satisfy both of the them. This was our second year doing Kid U Wisconsin. The staff at the Appleton Alliance Church are amazing and were the secret to our success! (along with the beautiful and sweet Kid U Conference Coordinator, Sara!) The secret to staying awake and alert after three hour drive, late night pizza party (the pizza guy got in a car accident and kept us up for an hour and a half waiting, and arrived just as we were about to finally cancel the order… at least it was free!), Creativity Blitz on Friday Night, and alllllll day Saturday, then looooooong drive home and gettin’ ready for church on Sunday morning! Whew! What a weekend! (but I’d do it all over again!) Friday evening Preconference Creativity Blitz was a ROCKIN’ GOOD TIME! The Appleton J.A.M. team…

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Dew from Heaven!

Due to a bunch of technical jargon I won’t bore you with (too late) I was unable to ‘blog’ for over a week! ahhhhhh! I know you’ve been checking every day. Wasn’t it St. Augustine who said that everyone is born with a Karl’s Blog Shaped Void? Anyway, here are a few of the things I wanted to post… the rest I’ll skip now and you can just wonder the rest of your life! This photo above is going in my collection right next to my photo of Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster. I caught a picture of my youth pastor sitting at my office Mac. (notice the beautiful 21 inch screen with a Mac mini!) I actually left my office for an appointment and trusted him to stay and play on it. Since the only way a Mac can get a virus is for someone to be sitting at it and manually install it, this was a great demonstration of trust. Despite how stable Macs are, he did manage to get some error messages to appear, which he gleefully documented with screen shots, including the following: Message my PC loving youth pastor supposedly saw on my Mac’s…

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Happy Birthday to Me. :)

I woke up this morning to a nice surprise, our web director had posted my birthday on the homepage with a forum post for people to say ‘Happy Birthday.’ It was fun to read those posts! I even got a cell phone call from a Kidology member in Colorado! Today I am 36. And since I love numbers, I was reflecting today that I have lived to be six years old, six times! When I hit the first ‘6’, I was still a youngling at Bellflower Baptist Church in California. By ’12’ I was a young Gospel Magician already doing shows at church and in my friends’ churches. Six more years and I was a senior in high school, at ’18.’ By the end of the next six, I would be ’24,’ a graduate of MBI and married! The next six took me through several ministries, but by ’30’ I was at my present ministry. What amazed me the most reflecting, was that I have been in the same ministry for the last six years. Which means, that a 1/6th of my life has been at the Village Church! It doesn’t seem that long, so I must still be…

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