How to Drive a Convertible in the Rain…

There is nothing better than a nice Sunday afternoon drive in a convertible…in the rain. (My sister snapped these pictures from her car) The best part was the looks from the other drivers, from bursting out laughing, to ignoring (not wanting to encourage me), to scowls. Now it wasn’t pouring, but it was sprinkling. Cool thing was, when the car was moving NO water got in the car due to aerodynamics of the wind flow over the car. At the one red light on the way to lunch, I shot up the umbrella. No, I don’t do this often, I put the top down at church as a joke, and then noticed that no rain got in the car while it was moving. So I left it down and headed to lunch with some church families. Pay no attention to the arrow on the ground. It is only a suggestion. Tuesday Evening Awana was SPY NITE! I showed my spy gadget collection, told my stories of espionage over the course of my life (can’t post those on my blog, some of you don’t have clearance), and then gave the kids all a gadget for sharing the Gospel with their friends…

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1469 Days Later….

YES! It is one thousand four hundred and sixty-nine days since I got the idea for my novel! Here I am – driving to meet our printer with the first shipment of the books!We met in an undisclosed parking lot. I pulled up next to him, looked both ways, and whispered, “You got the stuff?” He said, “It’s all in my truck.” He assured me it was good stuff. After examining a sample, I agreed. After one more glance around, we began the transfer. No one seemed to notice even though we were on a busy street. How to fit them all in a PK Cruiser? Hmmmm… The rest had to go in the building. But now I can have a mobile bookstore and can open shop in parking lots everywhere! Here is the happy author excited to hold the FIRST OFFICIAL COPY in his hands! WARNING: Shameless Promotion Ahead! The PRE-ORDER SALE ends midnight Friday, so this will be your last chance to get 11 copies for only $9 each, plus a signed copy. AND FREE SHIPING! There will never be a sale like this, this is to help with the initial printing cost. (every order is greatly appreciated…

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Gas Prices Killin’ Ya?

Gas prices are nuts! I’m thinking of starting a new ministry: Gasaholics Annonymous. (GA for short) “Hi, my name is Karl Bastian, and I am addicted to gasoline.” Which is why, over a year ago, after seeing the prices, at that time, nearing $2.00, I sold my gas-eating trailblazer and got the PK Cruiser. I REALLY liked my TrailBlazer (especially the On Star On Board) but every time I gas up I am so glad I jumped the tank. TRADED IN THE GAS-HUNGRY TRAILBLAZER FOR THE MUCH MORE GAS-FRIENDLY PK CRUISER! Another gas-related story… while on sabbatical, we drove thousands of miles, so were often in the hunt for good gas prices… then one day, we saw a sign off the side of the road: GAS 4 LESS?!?!?! We did a U-TURN and headed back! WOW! These were SUPER PRICES!!! I sped into the station only to see: I guess there prices were just to good to be true…. it was an old out-dated sign. Well, if you are depressed over gas prices – COMMENT BELOW and give us your city/state and what the price is there. We aren’t to $3.00 yet, but it is getting close. I got $2.77…

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What a Week!

I’m always saying to my wife, Sara, ‘As soon as life returns to normal….,’ to which she replies, ‘this is normal.’ Whew! What a week! Busy! But lots of fun. Crazy, insane, but exciting at the same time. The thing I like best about this blog is that it helps ME to keep perspective on all the great things God is doing – so that in the midst of all the deadlines, e-mails, paperwork, and chaos I don’t overlook all the good things that have happened. I often look at this blog and marvel at the fun things here, and know it looks like all I ever do is play – the hours at the computer, late nights at the office, nearly missed deadines, and overall scatter-brained activity isn’t blogged. People often ask me, “How do you find time for all the fun stuff when you have two very full time ministries to lead.” My answer is always, “I don’t find the time, I make the time.” If you don’t schedule fun, time with people, recreation, and travel – you’ll never do it. The important things in life never ‘pop up’ – you must make them happen in the midst…

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A Monster Truck… for REAL!

Star Wars met Earth on my drive to work yesterday! There I was, drivin’ along in the PK Cruiser, listening’ to talk radio mindin’ my own bizness, when suddenly I see in my rear view mirror great clouds of smoke and explosions and cars careening off of the road… what could be causing all the choas behind me?!?!? It is an alien attack? Will I need a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?!?!? I whipped out my camera to record what could very well be the end of the earth as we know it… What is that THING?!?! (note camera in shades) With cars flying off the road in every direction, I knew this would be on the evening news, this was my chance of a lifetime to get some rare photos of an alien attack on our planet! Would I survive to tell the tale?!??!! I hit the PK-Nitro-Turbo-Booster, but it was no use this monstrosity of a truck was gaining on me every second! What would I do? Would this be the end??? Surely the Galactic Empire is conquering Earth! Look at the SIZE of those PINCHERS!!! As it got next to me, I prepared to fire my fender-anchored…

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