Will You Fall for the Jedi Mind Trick!?

OK, this was just tooo funny. Blantant marketing, but so blantant, it was fun. Click on the Image. To send the link to friends (or foes) copy and paste this: http://target.com/target_group/stores_services/starwars.jhtml?page=1&product=1 BE SURE TO CLICK ‘NO’ ON THE FINAL SCREEN: I like the legal disclaimer… can you hear that in Darth’s voice?Of course, I will be going to Target for lunch today!! Weak Minded I must be!

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I Kid U Not…

Well, it’s hard to believe that KID U is over! What a FUN BUNCH OF DAYS! Friday, was the pre-conference, and WHAT A BLAST that was! Every presenter did a BANG UP AWESOME job at presenting the theme in their own creative way. We had an in-house contest to spur them all on… every Kidology staff member and volunteer that wasn’t presenting was given a ballot to choose who did the best job, they ALL did awesome, and the vote was close, but the Winner of the Most Incredible Presentation went to: Jamie Doyle and his magical presentation. He won an Incredibles DVD, Basketball, and Pez Dispenser. Not bad, eh?Saturday was KID U! We had over 250 people there all to be equipped and encouraged. Dave and Jody VanKley leading the opening session I taught workshops along with several other presenters. But my favorite thing of the day was meeting Monty the Python from Camp Timber-lee: How do you like my necklace? Monty made a great hat too! OK, maybe the snake wasn’t my favorite thing, but it was pretty cool. My favoirte part of the day is usually at the end when I like to treat the staff and…

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It’s lean, it’s mean, it’s GREEN…

Kid U* is only days away! We got several hundred people coming to my church to be ‘equipped and encouraged in children’s ministry.’ It’s not too late to register!We also will be featuring our new ‘Tannerized’ Kid U logo: NEW: OLD: The new logo was made to match the Kidology logo better, as well as the new logo of our regional seminars: NEW: OLD: What do you think? We’re pretty happy with ’em. For those who don’t know, we recently moved Steve Tanner to full time as Kidology’s Director of Web Operations – basically putting him in charge of everything related to the website. It required some tough staff changes, but we are looking forward to him ‘Tannerizing’ more of Kidology! He was a ‘free lancer’ before, but since he wasn’t free anyway, we decided we might as well hire him full time before someone else snagged him away! Anyway, let me know what you think of the new logos in the comments. (Steve didn’t make the logos, he managed their creation by Corey at our web firm birkey.com just to give them credit as well!) * short for ‘The Kidology University”

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Taking Over Culvers – Part 2!

Sunday afternoon, and another chance to put ‘relational ministry’ into practise… that’s just my excuse for going out to lunch with a bunch of goofball kids (and their parents) Not pictured: The well balanced meal before the ice cream! Also not pictured: All the grown ups at the ‘adult’ table. Well, it was back to Culvers after church this Sunday! And guess what? The manager noticed we were back, and instead of throwing us out, offered us VIP cards for discounts in the future! So I guess I got my scheme, er, wish, without asking! (see Culvers post below) It was only a matter of time before I got ice cream on my shirt, and pants, and shoe! and I didn’t even order any! Few things in life are better than being out to lunch with a bunch of silly kids – where do they get the energy? I needed an hour long nap afterwards! Remember that verse in the Bible about ‘ol log eye?’ Ahhh Matie! It’s fun to goof around, but it’s also fun telling stories and sneakin’ in little mini-life lessons as they beg for me to tell more stories… Ouch! I also discovered why I’ve been…

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The Cure for Blog Addiction…

OR maybe the title should be simply, “I can’t sleep!” Maybe it’s from all the travel and low sleep at CPC, maybe it is the slight cough I’m fighting, maybe it’s staying out tooooo late with the Aussie’s the other night (post still coming!), or maybe I am just living out the verse I often claim as my life verse, Allow no sleep to your eyes, No slumber to your eyelids. Proverbs 6:4 But whatever the reason, the result is the same: I CAN’T SLEEP, and when I do drift off I’m dreaming about my blog! (I need help, and It’s all Tannerman’s fault!) I have to be up early in the morning for church, and have a zillion things to do, but I’ve been laying here for what seems like ages. If I wake up and missed Sunday, it won’t surprise me. (But it sure will those at church…. like my boss!)So, I decided to test a theory. They say if you can’t stop thinking about something, just do it, and get it out of your system. Well, for many things, that isn’t possible – which is why you dream about them in the first place (No bad thoughts…

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