Evening in Atlanta…

Tannerman and I went out on the town tonight to escape the confines of the hotel, and decided to skip the closest restaurant, an orange owl themed restaurant, and explore further downtown. We ended up in a place called ‘Downtown Atlanta’ – best described for those in Chicago as lower Wacker drive with shops, very retro. It was a bit chilly, but nice to be out. We got back just in time for some meetings that went until after midnight! Here are some pics from our journey….. Me. In Atlanta. What else can I say? Tanner taking pictures for his blog. One of the locals… Shops…. and more shops…. a happen’ place as you can see!and finally, just for Tanner… (see his meal) My Dinner. Yum Yum. (afterwards, of course!)

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Brings New Meaning to "Popping a Wheelie"

Ron Fugle, also known as “Master Ron” – is definately a master at balloons! He is having a blast making balloons for the attendees of the conference. Here is my favorite so far… Ron sitting on his balloon wheels… Scott Nelsen from Harvest Publications took it for a spin too… The difference between the men and the boys…. (there is no difference) And, of course, I couldn’t resist burnin’ some carpet with these fancy wheels either… Definately, a chick magnet! Here’s a pic without the guys spoiling the view… some pretty fancy work there Ron! All it needs is a black balloon jacket!

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Networking at CPC….

The best part about CPC is meeting ‘fans’ of Kidology and meeting new people that either I’ve only known through the site, or that know about Kidology but I’ve never met yet. This is Shelly. I met Shelly last year at CPC when a pillar of balloons was slowly chacing her across the room, it was nuts. (it was mysterious, we actually thought there was a person inside the pillar of balloons, but it was something to do with the air conditioning vents.) Anyway, she is excited about a brand new position as children’s pastor. :) This is Jamie, our CPC Contest winner! She came to CPC all the way from Canada! This is ‘balloonpastor’ Dave, a Kidology member who’s become a good friend, even sending me some cool spider man silly string shooters last year that were a blast with my kids. This is Roger. A Kidology member it was fun to meet. Larry is a children’s pastor who used to be in chicago but moved to Florida this year – nice tan, eh. It was really fun meeting these friends from ‘down under’ / Australia. They invited me to come speak there in August 2006 and I told…

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Karl off to Atlanta, Georgia!

Well, it’s off to Atlant, GA for CPC #3. I am speaking twice as well as helping out in the eZone, and free computer cafe for conference atttendees that promotes the all new INCM.org website that Kidology created this year. I traveled with Steve Tanner, Kidology’s Web Operations Director, and Ron Fugle, a friend and fellow children’s performer. (goes by “Master Ron”) Ron, Me, and Steve The flight was uneventful. (whew) I worked on e-mail offline while Tannerman put the premeir episode the Amazing Race on his laptop. I brought my little gadget that boosts headphone signal and splits to three headphones so we all three watched. Working on a plane isn’t ideal, but at least no e-mail can come in, and the phone never rings! I can actually catch up! Got almost through the 200+ e-mails I was behind on!! Tanner looks like he is in pain! And no ‘Mac vs. PC’ fights broke out! Once in Atlanta, we opted for the puplic train system over the airport shuttle, partly because the shuttle was $16 per person and the train $1.75 per person, and partly because the boss (me) was treating. They guys humored me when I insisted on…

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Taking over Culvers!

I have a new scheme – now understand, I don’t actually DO my schemes – I just like thinking them up. (I think my getting saved at age 4 was God’s way of preventing all my schemes) Not that they are all ‘bad’ – most of them are silly, like this one. Here’s my scheme: I think I should visit all the restaurants in town and see if they will give me a free meal if I bring six familes to lunch. Oh, well, I’ll never ask, so it will never happen, BUT I did invite six families out to lunch Sunday after church. Sara was out of town and no sense eating alone! For some mysterious reason, I ended up at the kids table, and the adults all sat over in a giant ‘adults only’ booth. It was a blast! I got a new digital camera that has one feature I miss from my very first digital camera 7 years ago – and an essential feature with kids – being able to rotate the screen and face it toward the subjects so kids (and me) can make funny faces and see ourselves in the view finder before taking the…

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