Let me look on you, with my own eyes…
Let me look on you, with my own eyes… These may have been Darth Vader’s dying words, but they also have been the words of millions of fans who have wanted to see George Lucas since his last public appearance in… yes… 1987. Talk about fashionably late! However, as stated in my blog yesterday, I had no plans (or hope) of seeing ‘The Maker’ as he is often called (see www.thankyougeorge.com) at the convention today. There was WELL over 50,000 people at the convention, and that total is days old! People were in line since the middle of yesterday and ALL NITE in the freezing rain to see him. So we decided to do like yesterday, and wait out the crowds and come late. Well, this may be one of the coolest (if not the most significant) occurances of Proverbs 16:9 in my life: “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” The doors opened at 9am, so we arrived around 10am, parking is a nightmare, but a lady was standing out in the rain with a sign offering $9 parking for the day (our first sign of good luck), it was on the…