Karl on MoodyMinistries.net

moodyminnet.pngMoody Ministries has recently redesigned their website and are in the process of reworking all of their sites to integrate better. Kidology’s own Director of Web Operations, Steve Tanner, has some connections on that team and has been showing me the work they’ve been doing, and we’ve been impressed! So it came as a surprise when I got a call from Moody (via a totally separate connection) asking if they could do a little story on me since I am a Moody grad. I was honored! I have MANY Moody connections in my life!


Well, the story is now live! I kept it a secret from both Steve and my wife just for fun. Steve saw it live even before me as his friend noticed it and recognized the Kidology connection, and tonight I instant messaged the link to Sara to surprise her. I’m on Moody’s website! I think I can just go to heaven now. What an honor.  Also mentioned in the article is fellow blogger Barney Kinard, who also graduated from Moody at the same time as my parents. (1964) And, since it’s not mentioned in the article, my wife also graduated from Moody (1993) with a degree in Educational Ministries, and with Straight A’s! (Smart and beautiful!)


  • Moody student introduced my mom, as a little girl, to Jesus.
  • D. L. Moody, through a chain of conversions led Billy Graham to Christ, who in turn led my dad to Christ.
  • My parents met at and graduated from Moody
  • My father-in-law graduated from Moody.
  • His daughter (my wife) graduated from Moody.
  • Received my Call to ministry via a Moody grad.
  • My sister Melissa has attended Moody.
  • My mom worked in the Graduate School.
  • My dad was on staff at Moody Church. (Adult Ministries and Missions Pastor)
  • My dad made the cover of Moody’s Servant Magazine!
  • I was Moody’s Church’s first children’s pastor (my first ministry)
  • I was married in Moody Church.
  • Kidology’s first endowed student scholarship is the Patti Bastian Memorial Children’s Ministry Scholarship at Moody Bible Institute.

Is it any wonder I love Moody?


  1. Congratulations Karl, This is a wonderful commendation for your faithful ministry to children. Moody had such a large part of your story, it was nice that they were able to do a feature on you. You surely deserve the acknowledgment. Blessings on you. You are the man! Barney

  2. Congrats Karl, way to go!! You Da’ man.

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