Karl on the Radio in Ottawa

I was just on the radio in the Capital of Canada this morning on CHRI Christian Radio in Ottawa. You can listen to the interview here: tinyurl.com/karlonCHRI

The occasion is that next week, I’ll be heading up there to the frozen lands of Canada to serve as the keynote speaker for the VAULT Children’s Ministry Conference.


I’m really looking forward to this conference! I’ll have an opportunity to speak at a breakfast for pastors with their children’s pastors on the secret to longevity in ministry, and I’ll be doing a Family Fun Night Magic with a Message show. At the conference I’ll be speaking on:

  • YOU, the Missing Piece in a Child’s Spiritual Puzzle
  • Making Your Discipline Problems Disappear
  • The Stories of Ministry

During the first session, I will reveal my “secret” relational ministry tricks for connecting with kids – those tips that draw kids in and then double the impact of my teaching.

The second session will introduce a completely different approach to discipline that at first surprises people. By the end they’re praying not for less discipline problems but for more (seriously!) so that they will have more kids they can truly impact. You’ve just gotta be there to experience it.

The final session is new, and I’m excited about it. Too often we talk about how to build and strengthen and lead ministries and programs, but we forget that Jesus didn’t send us into all the world to build programs but to make disciples. Programs don’t make disciples; other disciples make disciples. The best a program can do is connect disciples to each other. If we don’t have stories of young disciples, we aren’t truly ministering. This session will challenge the way we minister within our programs.

If you are in Canada, I hope you’ll be there! Eh!

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