Addicted to Speed? The Cure has been discovered!

BOY I can’t wait until my little brother is in town! (Yes, Jordan, that is a challenge!) I just might have a new hobby! This is the coolest thing! WOW! WOW! WOW! After Sports Camp finished up (final post on that coming soon!) a bunch of us all went out for some Chicago Pizza and it was there that I learned about an awesome sport – a sport that you must be 18 to play and have a driver’s license – and yet, ironically, it was introduced to me by a friend who is 15 and doesn’t have a driver’s license! (he knows the guy who owns the place…. cool!) So the next thing I know I am blowing off work… er, um… I mean, going on a pastoral visit to encourage our guest missionaries by treating them to an outing to thank them for all their hard work all week…. (yeah, that’s better) and it was off to Chicago Indoor Racing! The VCB Racing Team! Rob, Tiffany, Steve, Tye and Me (Tiff and Tye were our Uncharted Waters Coaches all week)   Team Ninja? Here we are in our Ninja Pose since you have to wear a ‘head sock’…

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Roller Coaster Front Row Seats at Cedar Point!

Never been to Cedar Point? Wish you could ride in the FRONT SEAT of the amazing coasters? Well, now you can experience what it was like to sit in the FRONT ROW of several roller coasters! The Dragster: This coaster reaches over 120MPH in under 4 seconds and takes you over 420 feet into the air and then straight back down in a twisting vertical plummet. AWESOME! In under 18 seconds you will have traveled over 2800 feet! Magnum XL200: This historical coaster roars at 72mph with a first drop of 195 feet and the second 157 feet and travels for over 5000 feet! Gemini (Wooden Coaster): Watch Pastor Karl and Pastor Jeff race in different cars AND GIVE A CONTACT “HIGH FIVE” WHILE RIDING this historic coaster made from over 1.7 million feet of wood! This coaster can accommodate 1600 passengers per hour! The Raptor: This lean mean keen green coaster leaves your feet dangling as you twist and turn through over 3700 feet and a 100 foot loop and drop 119 feet! Not for the faint of heart! The Mantis:   They really did a stand-up job designing this one! You’ll give this coaster a standing ovation! (whether…

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If Yosemite is God’s best, Cedar Point is Man’s

If Yosemite is God’s best…. then Cedar Point is man’s best display of how we have harnessed God’s natural laws and the creativity he gave us and made: Roller Coasters. Yes, Roller Coasters are man’s cheif creation. Since the Tower of Babel man has always desired to go higher and faster… and nothing demonstrates man push for speed than the roller coaster. Sure, race cars and airplanes (and rockets) are faster, but they also have practical purposes: transportation and shipping. Only the roller coaster was built (at the cost of millions of dollars) simply for the pleasure of pushing the common man’s human limits. When we strap ourselves into these wood or metal machines we are saying we want to experience what we were not created to experience in our day to day life – height and speed are were not given to us – but the creativity to think of what does not yet exist and the intellectual ability to make it exist is one of the greatest gifts God gave us when He made us in His image. Forgive me for getting too philosophical about Roller Coasters – but they are one of my favorite things – and…

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In a Jiffy…

Well, we hit the road for our last church visit of the sabbatical – in Michigan. Nice to be in the PK Cruiser again. We left Chicago enjoying sunny skies. However, being home for a few days reminded us of lots of stuff we need to DO, so hitting the road one last time was nice. We will be soaking in this final trip up! (hopefully not a pun with rain in the forecast!) We were delighted to discover one of Anakin’s hang outs along the way…. Strong in the Force is this place! Soon we got to our destination – guesses? Well, here is a hint: It’s the JIFFY CAPITAL of the WORLD! That’s right! Look on your Jiffy Mix box – that’s where we went! To visit Pastor Jeff Bradley a long time friend I met through Kidology. Jeff won our first conference contest on Kidology and got to go to the Bahamas with Sara and I (and his wife Carol) for the Children’s Ministry Conference Cruise. Me and Jeff in the Bahamas in 2002. After we got to our destination (have you looked at the jiffy box yet?) we were bummed to have rain in light of…

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A Jedi with a Shepherds Heart…

The hills as you drive to beautiful Corvalis, Oregon are filled with sheep lazily grazing on wide open green pastures. Counting the sheep would have been a pointless effort, as there were too many and constantly moving. Just a few hours from the coast of Oregon, it is a beautiful place to live and minister, and the sight of sheep on the way in was fitting, as we were on our way to meet a young father and pastor with a true shepherd’s heart. Strong in the Force this Children’s Pastor is… Henry and his Padawan Learner… After church at Kings Circle (See Kings Circle Gallery) we headed out to lunch at my favorite restaurant that is now sadly missing in Chicago… The best former Chicago restaurant in Chicago. Allow me to rant: The busiest restaurant at our local mall in Chicago went ‘out of business’ due only to upper management mistakes. Soon all the other Baja Fresh’s in Chicagoland started to disappear, and rumor is that they are pulling out of the MidWest. Dumb. Why would a popular busy highly profitable restaurant close? I’d like to say to Baja Fresh’s Leadership: “I find your lack of vision disturbing.” A…

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