A Shift in Focus

We are in the midst of difficult times and difficult decisions. Every day we are hearing from the news reports and those we know personally that times are tough and the consensus seems to be that it will get worse before it gets better. The answer? It isn’t politics or government solutions. Even though I am frustrated with how much of our current economic problems are a direct result of our government’s meddling, the reality is that even if our economy was hummin’ along, we would not be free from problems and we would still have storms. Focusing on the current economic crisis is a distraction because the goal isn’t economic prosperity, it is spiritually prosperity. There are four aspects of the Christian Life that we often focus on in our desire to be a better Christian: Faith, Humility, Love, and Holiness. In church this morning, the pastor speaking suggested that instead of trying to have more faith, be more humble or loving or holy, we instead ought to focus on living what he called a God-Centered Life. He defined it this way: “A God-Centered Life is a life lived wholehearted for God without any consideration for our own needs.”…

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What if I got saved TODAY?

A few weeks ago, our pastor gave a wonderful salvation message – it was so good, I wanted to get saved all over again. I was kinda bummed that I already was, since he made the invitation to be a part of God’s Kingdom so inviting… it got me thinking… what if I DID get saved today, in fact, everyday… Below is what I wrote in my journey the next morning, and I was thinking perhaps others who are already saved might want to consider getting saved again.* I dare you to PAUSE and reflect on each of the questions below… it’s not easy, I know. WHAT IF I GOT SAVED TODAY? What would change? What would I do differently What would I give up? What would I stop doing? What would I start doing? Who would I ask forgiveness of? Who would I choose to forgive? What would I give away? How would I spend my time? How would I spend my money? How would I arrange my life? How would my relationships be impacted? Where would I go? Where wouldn’t I go? What would others notice about me? How would I start my day? How would I end…

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A Cow in the Sky

For the first time in his little life my son woke up crying because of a nightmare. We awoke to his tears and like a good father I ran upstairs to see what my little boy needed. Did he climb out of the climb and fall? Did he get an arm or leg stuck through the railings? Did he drop a toy or binkey that he can’t sleep without? Nope. He saw a cow. (don’t laugh) I came in the room, “Daddy’s here, everything’s O.K.” to see his fear filled eyes looking to me for salvation. He reached out to me like someone drowning reaching for the life guard. I scooped him up, and seeing that nothing was physically wrong, asked, “What’s the matter, Lukie?” “Cow!” he whispered in my ear as he pointed up toward the ceiling. “Cow up in the sky.” I put his head on my shoulder so he wouldn’t see the smile I couldn’t resist. My voice remained deeply concerned but my face couldn’t hide the silent laughter at such a cute fear. I was so happy the scariest thing in his little world is a cow in the sky! He clung to me as I…

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God, Do Not Bless My Efforts!

How many times have we prayed and asked God to bless our efforts… well, no more! Read on to discover why you should never ask God to bless your work! We want God to look down from heaven, see what wonderful things we are doing for Him, and to bless what we are doing. I was challenged to reconsider this common practice by my written mentor, Oswald Chambers, when he wrote: “Many a Christian worker has left Jesus Christ alone and gone into work from a sense of duty or from a sense of need arising out of his own particular discernment.” This does not necessarily mean we are “sinning,” but that WE are generating the spiritual activity ourselves. Though as we get busy and drift from God, sin certainly can result! Oswald referring to our Christian activity, “There is no sin in it, and no punishment attached to it; but when the soul realizes how he has hindered his understanding of Jesus Christ, and produced for himself perplexities and sorrows and difficulties, it is with shame and contrition he has to come back.” It sounded so spiritual, the old saying I latched onto as a kid: “God can’t move…

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Best Advice Ever Received

I don’t remember who told me this story, or if I read it in a book, but it came to me at a period of my life when I was suddenly more teachable than ever before having come to the end of “myself” and it made a huge impact. The story was of a pastor who had just gotten a call to a much larger ministry and wanted to seek out the council of a well known and highly successful pastor of an even larger ministry. He was excited to get a lunch appointment with this pastor and came ready to glean as much wisdom as he could from this one meal they would share. After they had ordered he explained that he was soon going to be going to a larger ministry and wanted as much advice as possible on how to survive and thrive in this new bigger ministry. The seasoned pastor smiled, and calmly responded, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” The younger pastor wrote down this first bit of advice and then looked up ready to write down the next pearl of wisdom this godly man would have to share… but no words followed. Seeing the…

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