Then and Now (A Political Rant)

Here they are years ago… before anyone had any idea the damage they would do to our country: And now, could it be? They might get another chance? There is a reason Hillary doesn’t use her last name campaigning. but make no mistake, a vote for Hillary is a vote for lies and corruption even bolder than before. Let’s hope the People wise up before it is too late! Obama is the master at saying nothing very well, but Hillary knows exactly what she wants to do and that is what scares me. But I don’t hate liberals. I feel sorry for them. For hope is in government, that is their flaw. They think, er, let me rephrase that, they feel that government and money can solve human social issues – even though no government program has ever solved ONE human social issue, and in fact, have only made things worse in the effort to help. Government does best what it was designed to do – protect citizens, defend the nation, prosecute criminals, preserve wilderness and build infrastructure. I applaud government whenever it does what it was created to do – but whenever it attempts to “fix” issues that stem…

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Why Patriotism?

(one more post I found in drafts, the issue isn’t “hot” on Kidology now, but this was my response, better posted late than never!)  Over on there is a hot discussion that was started by a brother “down under” who asked: Why do American Christians see the need to teach patriotism? Doesn’t God love all nations equally? (see full question and discussion here) I’ve been watching the conversation, discussing it with family and friends, and waiting to post my answer until I could really give it some thought, and decided to answer it here on my blog rather than just in the Kidology forum. I’d love your feedback here or there. My short answer would be, I have never taught “Patriotism” to kids in church, but I certainly have modeled it. What I have taught is gratitude to God for our blessings, many of which are being American, and civil responsibility, both which are not USA dependent. I can go on and on about what a good and amazing country this is, but that is beside the point (and I think the Kidology discussion got off on that rabbit trail, which is easy for Americans to do. We LOVE…

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Let’s Get Political

(Found this in my drafts folder… I did not write it, but I thought the facts were still pertinent as we are in a presidential election season. National Security is the #1 issue. Without a nation, there are no other issues, and make no mistake, our total destruction, or at least our free way of life is under direct attack and our president cares more about preserving our nation than his reputation. That is a man of character and honor.) There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January. In the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the month of January. That’s just one American city, about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq . Many people say that President Bush shouldn’t have started this war, but they fail to realize that: 1) FDR led us into World War II. While Japan did attack us, Germany never attacked did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost … an average of 112,500 per year. 2) Truman finished that war and started one in Korea, even though North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost … an average of 18,334 per year. 3) John…

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Chuck Norris on Huck’s Team?

I was watching Republican Presidential Candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee’s speeches online after winnign Iowa and noticed the secret of his success staning behind him… could that be? Could that be Chuck? Did you know Chuck Norris is a presidential body guard? He has served every president since George Washington. (Except Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy, of course!) Anyway, I’m happy that Mike won the primary – its cool that someone who spent 1/15th the money of others still won. I do find it interesting (and frustrating) that the news has to use the word “Christian” or “evangelical” or “religious” in every sentence as though they are bad words that are poison to a campaign. Ironically, they may actually be helping rather than hurting his campaign. I haven’t chosen “my guy” yet, but I do like a lot of what Gov. Huckabee is saying. I love following politics – it is crazy the stuff that the media pulls when you know the truth and when you understand politics. But I won’t get into that her and now. But as the election gains pace, I’ll start getting political! You’ve been warned. CHUCK NORRIS FOR PRESIDENT! UP-DATE!!! It IS Chuck Norris standing behind…

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FREE BOOK: UnChristian – CHRISTIANITY has an Image Problem

Just wanted to let you know you can order this free book HERE! The title seems interesting. writes, “It used to be, says David Kinnaman, that Christianity was both big and beloved in the U.S. — even among its non-adherents. Back in 1996, a poll taken by Kinnaman’s organization, the Barna Group, found that 83% of Americans identified themselves as Christians, and that fewer than 20% of non-Christians held an unfavorable view of Christianity. But, as Kinnaman puts it in his new book (co-authored with Gabe Lyons) UnChristian, “That was then.” 140/37 got some work to do!

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