Karl’s Lego Star Destroyer!

Several years ago (before I blogged on an official “blog”) I created a page that showed me and my friend Ryan Yoder assembling my Lego Star Destroyer, which at the time, was the largest Lego kit that Lego had ever created up to that point.   I often am telling kids about it (as I was this weekend in Canada) and wishing it was posted on my blog, so I am posting a post about the post where I posted about it: For all the pictures step by step (and cool star background) SEE THE ORIGINAL LEGO STAR DESTROYER POST.  It took us two full days to assemble the 3000+ pieces of this Lego work of art! So now it is linked and searchable on my blog so I can just tell kids, search my blog for Lego Star Destroyer and you’ll find a link to it! CHECK IT OUT THE COMPLETE PICTURES HERE. 

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Star Wars According to a 3 Year Old

A friend sent me a link to this video on YouTube – so I snagged it* for your enjoyment here! [flv]http://media.kidology.org/flash/kblog/starwars-3yrold.flv[/flv] Luke loved sitting here listening to it! I can’t wait until he starts to understand and enjoy Star Wars. (no, he’s not seen it yet!) *I snag YouTube videos so that I still have them after they disappear, get moved, or are removed from YouTube.

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You Must Confront Vision!

I often like to give my blog readers “sneak peeks” of things to come over on Kidology.org, and so here I go again. As I mentioned recently, Kidology Online Training is now live, with the first “Leadership Lab” titled (appropriately) First Things First. Well, the second Leadership Lab will be live in only a few days and is titled, Visionary Leadership. I’ll post more about it when it goes live, but due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback on the 100th Toybox Tale, “A Day in the Life of a Children’s Pastor,” – made for adults, rather than Kids, I did it again, bringing back one of the most asked-for characters I (kinda) created, NoDuh, the Wise One. In this, the 101st Toybox Tale, you get to listen in on the private session of a children’s pastor with her counselor… NoDuh, the Wise One, as he gently lets her know, that in order to survive in children’s ministry leadership, She Must Confront Vision! You Must Confront Vision! ENJOY! I’ll let you know when the rest of LAB 02 goes live!

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