Princess Leah Now a Disney Princess?
Twitter and Facebook blew up yesterday with the news that George Lucas sold Star Wars and all its rights to Disney. As the YouTube video of George’s explanation spread, fans seemed divided over whether this was a good or bad thing but were hesitantly excited about the simultaneous announcement that there would be new Star Wars movies as a result. One of the most interesting reads was George Lucas Just Saved Star Wars by Firing George Lucas. Others had fun proposing possible names for the new movies to come from a Disney-owned Star Wars franchise: Here are a few: — When You Wish Upon a Death Star. — Finding Greedo. — Song of the Sith. — Snow White and the Seven Droids. — The Princess Leia Diaries. — Emperor Palpatine’s New Groove. — The Wookiee. — Lilo & Sith. — Droid Story. As I trick or treated this year in a Star Wars inspired costume… After getting a taste of the Power of the Force on Endor, where he was first honored as a god, C3-PO secretly decided to begin to study the ways of the Jedi around him until finally in 2012 he would reveal himself as a true…