Karl Goes To Train En Espanol

Attention: If you live in California and speak Spanish, then this post is for you! I’ll be going West November 1st to speak at NINOMANIA, a Spanish Conference at the Crystal Cathedral at the invitation of Noel Ascencio, one of our Kidology Spanish trainers. (See Spanish Tract at Kid U in October) (full size poster, 1.4mb) Espero a hasta la vista allí. Tendremos buen tiempo y aprenderemos mucho. Soy muy feliz ser un participante en este acontecimiento. ¡Hasta la vista allí! (I sure hope I said that right!) OR LISTEN TO THIS HERE

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Yes, I think I’m a Golfer now.

Well, those who have played with me may not agree that what I do on the course qualifies as “golf” – but I think I have discovered a sport that I can really enjoy. And now that I have discovered a beautiful par 3 nine hole course near my house that cost just a little more than a movie I think its something I can finally afford to do. (The other ones near my house are between $32 and $78 for a round of 18 holes.) I have a long and painful history with golf. As a boy I broke a frame on the wall in my house showing my sister how to swing a golf club. (To hide the dent in the metal frame I turned the picture upside down and rehung the frame upside down so the bent was on the bottom. It took my Mom less than fifteen minutes upon getting home to ask, “How did this frame get dented?” Little sister was all too happy to explain. Busted.) My grandfather tried to teach me. (see his clubs here) Once at the driving range I humiliated him when my sweaty hands allowed the club to fly out…

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Kidologist Demonstrates new BATTLESTACK!

As mentioned in my podcast interview with Speed Stack’s Roger Washburn, I was sent one of the very first BattleStack games! And wasted no time in arranging the ultimate battle between boys and girls with my nephew and niece! Here is the video via YouTube: Or you can download a higher resolution QuickTime file. (37.4mb) AND, YES! You can buy a BattleStack Game in the Kidology Store: BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO OWN THIS! I know at many churches I’ve seen Speed Stack cups available to kids, but they often don’t know what to do with them if they’ve not been taught. But with the BattleStack any kids can instantly start to play using the BattleStack cards. What a GREAT GAME to make available for the kids that are early or hanging around afterwards waiting for Mom and Dad to get them! (Hint: you need at least two!)

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Help Build a Playground in India!

I’d like to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY! How? Read on! Imagine being a part of something that is humanly impossible – but that God is clearly behind! Barney Kinard, our Kidology Coach of Kidhelper.com (Creative Children’s Ministries) has partnered with Kids Around the World to build a playground in India and along with it, do an evangelistic mission trip. Barney is currently raising funds for the trip the Kidology Foundation is going to pitch in with a MATCHING GRANT. If you would prayerfully consider giving toward this awesome project, Kidology will match your gift up to $500 toward this project! Help us send $1000 toward this wonderful project that will have a lasting impact on some of the world’s poorest kids. You can read more about this trip on Barney’s website. He has really picked up a passion for India since he was there last year and I’d love to encourage him by helping to raise some funds for the trip. These pictures are of the VERY KIDS who will soon have their own wonderfull playground to play on – but the trip is about much more than a playground. The playground is a tangible way to show the children and…

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Finally, the Perfect PDA!

I am happy to announce that I finally have discovered the perfect PDA, and no, it’s not the iPhone. (which stupidly has no task management – even though Tasks is an integrated part of Mac Mail and Mac iCal – despite everything else amazing about it.) Thanks to my buddy, aka BalloonPastor, who linked it on his blog. It is called PocketMod! It is an awesome PAPER organizer you can use throughout your day to record the “stuff” that comes up. But it is BETTER than that, through an online interactive guide, you get to determine what is on each page, with MANY to choose from! After you determine what you want on each page from lines to calendars to shopping lists, etc. you just print, fold and after one cut – you have the perfect PDA! No batteries to run out – no stylus – nearly indestructible (from dropping anyway) and ready to go. Here are the simple folding instructions If you are a fan of David Allen’s book Getting Things Done, you will love this easy and practical tool for making sure you capture all those stray thoughts so you to can have a “mind like water.” (you’ll…

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