Year End KC Krew Party!

Well, it’s hard to believe, but I just finished my fourteenth year of K.C. Krew. (Kids Church Krew) So we headed off to a friends house on a lake to celebrate a year of serving God together. I still remember that first KC Krew – I didn’t have a clue what to do with the kids, just a conviction that I needed to be trainig kids to serve in church, rather than just sit and be entertain/ministered TO. Since then, well over a hundred kids have been trained to serve God and given the experience of serving God at church. Several of my past Krew members are in ministry today and a few are at Bible college! But even those who don’t do vocational ministry have learned that serving God is a lot of fun and rewarding too. My prayer is that serving at church will always be just something they do. It’s no mystery to me why so many adults have no interet in serving, the church trained them through childhood and youth to come to church and sit and watch…. and then we wonder why they won’t volunteer. It’s about time we taught kids to serve at the age they want to anyway… so they will never stop! (I talk a little bit more about this in my Kids Church Book).

While there are many aspects to ministry to children – my KC Krew has always been my favorite. It is the KC Krew Kids I get to know the best and tend to keep in touch with over the years. I like to think it’s Jesus’ model of ministry – He ministered to the masses, but he poured his life into a hand full of young people who carried on His ministry after He left. I do the same. I teach a lot of kids, but the KC Krew are the ones I get to pour the most personal ministry and training and friendship into.

Go figure, it was in the 80’s just a few days ago, but in the 60’s for our beach party… but tht didn’t stop the kids from divin’ in! That’s what I love about kids. I wish I had their endless energy and enthusiasm!

Of course, FOOD is an essential ministry component. It’s what Jesus would have his disciples do!

As is some soft air target shooting. These army guys didn’t stand a chance! With God on our side, we can only be victorious!

And since Master Ron was around, we also added juggling flaming torches to our ministry skills.

The kids took to it really well! Nothing focuses your concentration like juggling flaming torches. I never was able to juggle pins, but put one end on fire, and suddenly I found I was pretty good at it. I guess fear of burning is a great motivator!

Actually, missing and catching the flaming end wasn’t so bad… though it did leave a black mark!

The back of my sweat shirt got nailed a few times… but hey, learning new ministry skills requires sacrifice!

One of the fun attractions at this house was the tree rope!

The adults could push the kids pretty high… but the real fun started after all the kids left. (Since I didn’t want to set a bad example!) I learned that the boys who live here jump off the roof with the rope swing… I just had to try!

Here is a video of me auditioning for “America’s Stupidest People” jumping off the roof and swinging down between the tree and the back toward the corner of the roof. I had images of a video of me smacking the tree or nailing the roof corner ending up on some TV home video show…. but I survived to blog again. (QuickTime 8.6MB)


Karl Bastian is the founder of, the creator of, and the author of His personal website is He is Big Kid with a passion for equipping and encouraging those who minister to children.


  1. I wanna play with flaming sticks and jump off of roofs. Sounds fun. Keep up the good work. The kids love you and are learning to serve the Lord and Love the Lord from your example. Was Sara there when you jumped off the roof? Great Video! I watched it about 5 times.


  2. Sara with me? of course not! she had taken the baby home. ;)

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