A Galactic Christmas Carol for You!

My favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Carol. by Charles Dickens. But not just any telling of it. It has to be the The Muppet’s version. (1992) It is truly the best version ever made. If you have not seen it, you must. Even if you aren’t in kid’s ministry and yes, even if you typically don’t like puppets. It is as touching as it is funny. And Gonzo and Rizzo the Rat, as narrators make the movie. They are simply hysterical. Micheal Caine does a great job as the Scrooge as well. Of course, Kermit and the Gang all do great filling in the rest of the cast. So, in 2004, I created my own parody of the movie in ToyBox Tales fashion. If you are not familiar with ToyBox Tales – for several years I performed stories with action figures on a set in front of a live audience of kids at my church as a way to introduce lessons or re-introduce familiar stories in a new and fun way. (From 2001-2005) Long before the phrase “going viral” existed, the videos I made “went viral” and as people found them on my church website and I was forced to…

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Yosemite Summit Report and Video

[This is a reprint from YosemiteSummit.org since I have more readers here] Don’t miss the Highlight Video at the end of this post! (Remember, click any image to view larger!) This year Yosemite Summit came for me in the midst of a very busy schedule, which is why I haven’t been able to do a report for over a month. In fact, had it not been for Yosemite Summit, I would not have ever slowed down! Which is exactly why Yosemite Summit exists, as I wrote about in Built in Pit Stop. Before Yosemite Summit, there were seasons in my life when I didn’t ever slow down! Yosemite Summit has taught me to slow down, in fact, it has taught me the power of stopping. Actually, Yosemite Summit played a major role in my moving my family to Colorado so I could live a state where the pace is slower and where stopping is easier… though I am still learning to apply it on a monthly basis. If you are a kidmin professional in Colorado, ask me about my Colorado Hiking Club, The Fellowship of the King! This year’s Summit brought together seven guys from around the country. Two returned…

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12 Days of Christmas ToyBox Tales WINNER! #12

Well, the depression is setting in… Christmas is nearly over. But at least ONE VISITOR to my blog will still be getting another Christmas Present! THAT’S RIGHT! I still have to give away the GRAND PRIZE for the 12 Days of Christmas ToyBox Tales! In fact, your 12th Christmas ToyBox Tale is one I JUST MADE TEN MINUTES AGO and is converting to flash as I type this! In this final Christmas ToyBox Tale the WINNER WILL BE REVEALED! So to win, you have to watch the video! There were 41 entries into the contest, and have no fear, the winner was chosen by Random, as you will see “LIVE” in the video. (Well, live during filming anyway!) So… WHO WON?? Watch and Find Out! CONGRATS TO THE WINNER! And what is the prize? It is the set used in Swine Control, but brand new in the box and includes three action figures! WOW, what a prize! I hope everyone who watched had a Wonderful and Merry Christmas this year! There are some new things planned for ToyBoxTales.com in 2008… so stay tuned!

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12 Days of Christmas Toybox Tales! #11

WHAT IS THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS TOYBOX TALES? Read the Introduction! Well, we are coming to the end of our 12 Days of Christmas! TOMORROW THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED RIGHT HERE ON THE SITE… someone will have a Very Merry Christmas with a special gift from me and toyboxtales.com! WHO WILL IT BE? TODAY is your LAST CHANCE to post a comment or post to be entered! So, what are you waiting for?? HERE IS YOUR ELEVENTH CHRISTMAS TALE: A ToyBox Tale Christmas This was a fun tale to make. My entire K.C. Krew helped write it and did the acting, er, voicing of the characters. The angel, which caused the most controversy (not too bad) was done by the senior pastor’s son, so that helped. But overall the kids did a great job! And since this was made in my pre-Mac days, I need to give credit to Jim Crouter, the youth pastor at my previous church who did all the editing, music and title screens for me. It turned out fantastic! ENJOY! From The ToyBox Tales Christmas DVD. TOMORROW: The 12 Days of Christmas Toybox Tales… WINNER! LAST CHANCE TO BLOG or COMMENT and WIN! BLOG…

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12 Days of Christmas Toybox Tales! #10

WHAT IS THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS TOYBOX TALES? Read the Introduction! HERE IS YOUR TENTH CHRISTMAS TALE: A Galactic Christmas Carol – Episode Three From A Galactic Christmas Carol Series on Toyboxtales.com TOMORROW: A Toybox Tale Christmas REMEMBER: BLOG or COMMENT and WIN! BLOG ABOUT THE 12 DAYS OF TOYBOXATALES or COMMENT on posts and you could win a very VERY cool toybox prize! WIN an orginal ToyBoxTales set used in a Toybox Tale! I’ll post the set and the tale it was used in half way through the contest. Every comment and post you make gives you another entry in the contest! So comment and post away! Just point your links to: www.kidologist.com/12-Days-of-ToyBoxTales so I’ll know you linked!

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