How Do You Talk to Your kids About Tragedy? By Ron Brooks
Thank you, Ron Brooks, for permission to re-post this helpful article on my blog. How to Talk to Kids About Tragedy. By Ron Brooks The largest massacre in US history in Las Vegas. The shooting at Columbine. The devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Irma and Harvey. The Tornadoes of Moore, Oklahoma. The school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The terrorist attack on 911. The terrorist attack in Paris, France. The mass shooting in Orlando. All terrible tragedies, and if your child has heard about these events, you may be wondering how to talk to your kids about tragedy. With social media such a huge part of our life now, events like this are widely publicized. You are hardly able to turn on the TV or read through a Facebook feed without seeing reports. Many of our kids will see photos or hear about all the people that lost their homes or their lives in the storm. While we may do our best to shield our kids from horrible events, the truth is, many will find out. We homeschool our daughter, so it may be easier for me to keep bad news like this from her, but for others it is…