Improve Your Ministry in 2016!

Christmas is just around the corner, and before you know it 2016 will be here! If you are like me, you already are starting to think about goals for the New Year. You are starting to day dream about ways you want to improve your work habits, how you can work smarter, be more efficient and ultimately be better at what you do. Children’s Ministry is incredibly demanding! There is always more to do than time permits. The secret to success is to do what matters most and in the best possible way. Many Kidology members over the years have discovered my Kidology Online Training. It is simply one the most enjoyable and effective ways you can take your ministry up several notches in the New Year. In a nutshell, it is five short self-guided training sessions that come with both a video training and supporting materials so you can learn on your own time, go at your own pace, and watch as your personal and professional skills improve. Why not make one of your 2016 goals to go through my Online Training Course? Its easy, fun, and has the potential to make you the best you can be in…

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It Just Stacks Up!

If you are a regular reader on, you know my passion for relational ministry, a term I started using over twenty years ago before it was hip. (Download my free book on the topic.) Jesus did a lot of teaching – but first he formed relationships with those He wanted to reach. It is no different in children’s ministry. When we play with kids we create a relationship, and out of that relationship we can have a huge impact! One of the BEST tools I have discovered for connecting with kids is with Speed Stacks. I helped introduce sport stacking to the world of kids ministry years ago when I discovered what a magnet it was for drawing and engaging kids. As I promoted it on Kidology, Speed Stacks credited me with expanding the growing sport from schools to churches across the country. I even headed up the effort to introduce sport stacking as an official Awana Game. (See I even got to be their spokeman! Kids LOVE sport stacking with Speed Stacks! It is fun, easy to learn, and is probably the best sport when it comes to allowing kids of all athletic ability compete equally. Regardless…

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How Do You Teach Abstract Knowledge to Kids?

I love thinking of ways to explain things to kids that are difficult for even adults to understand. Kids are “concrete relational” – meaning, if they can’t see it, hear it, touch it, smell it, or taste it – it isn’t real. So how do we teach abstract spiritual concepts like faith? Or reconciliation? Or the difference between justification and sanctification? Some would say we shouldn’t even be teaching these lofty concepts to children, but we must! My first “boss,” was Pastor Erwin Lutzer the senior pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago. I have never forgotten the preaching advice he once gave me as a young rookie. “Karl, I like to preach in such a way that even adults can understand.” Have you ever noticed how much Jesus taught like a children’s pastor? He used people in the audience as volunteers, he used food, he did object lessons – in fact, I argue he was the first Gospel magician, only, He didn’t have to cheat! There was nothing up His sleeve when he did a miracle. One of the challenges I faced as a young minister was how to help kids understand the incredible story of Christmas, and exactly…

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We’ll Get To That Someday…

When I ask kidmin leaders what they are doing about child safety and security in their church, I often hear things like, We aren’t big enough…      We’re still looking into it…           We’ll get to that someday… As a children’s ministry leader, Child Safety is one of those things you find yourself in charge of that you didn’t go into kids ministry to do. I know. You got into this “business” (you consider it ministry!) because you want to reach kids for Jesus and creatively teach the Bible, but the next thing you know, you are responsible for the care of the children in a world where there is increasing risk and liability for how children are cared for. The good news is, there are companies out there who are making it easy so that those who love ministry to kids can keep their time and attention focused on the things they enjoy the most, while at the same time, create safer environments that help build trust for families and keep both parents and volunteers protected. That’s why I am often writing about KidCheck. I told you how They Read My Mind and created a system that was everything…

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Dispatch Keeps You Current

How do you keep current in kidmin today? Reading blogs (glad you are here!), visiting the top children’s ministry websites (like and networking with other leaders. But there is a NEW way that not only keeps you informed as to what is new – but saves you money at the same time! It’s called Dispath and it is comes from the International Network of Children’s Ministry, you know, the folks who bring you CPC. For just $39 a quarter, you get a box loaded with the latest kidmin goodies. As a children’s pastor, I appreciate Dispatch because it saves me time, saves me money, and keeps me current on the latest resources that my kids and families can benefit from. As a dad, I like getting some things I can test out in the home before providing to families in my church. It’s a win-win all the way around! It’s like Christmas when my box arrives! I can’t wait to dive into the resources and learn more about them. You can learn more about them at Sign up for Dispatch and tell ’em Karl told ya about it!

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