Why Your Kid NEEDS a Comic Book Bible!
As a Children’s Pastor, I am often asked what Bible parents should get to their children, and often they looked surprised when I answer, “a comic book Bible.” Yes, kids need a REAL Bible, where they can look up Scripture and read the Word of God, but don’t under-estimate the power and educational value of a comic book Bible. I know personally the VALUE of a comic book Bible. My parents got me The Picture Bible back when I was 9 years old. I still have it. It has packing tape holding it together, and you’ll notice they had my name engraved on the cover: This is the original Picture Bible published by David C. Cook back in 1978: 1978! One year after Star Wars exploded on the American scene, the Picture Bible became my favorite book. I read it over and over. When the pastor started preaching, I tried to find the passage in my Bible, or at least the closest story to wherever he was in the Bible. My comic book Bible brought the stories of the Bible to life and helped me visualize them. Here is just one example of the great story of Elijah calling down…