Super Bible Bowl is Back and UPDATED!
There are nearly 24,000 Zone Posts on with ideas, lessons, crafts, games and more. One of the most popular for years has been my Super Bible Bowl. It is actually the 282nd Zone Post – so that tells you how far back it goes! (It was first published in 2003, but created long before that.) As I was reviewing it recently I realized it was still made up of OVERHEAD PROJECTOR slides since I created it so long ago. Who uses those anymore? So all the graphics were portrait instead of the landscape format we use today. It was time to update! I updated the images, the lesson, tweaked the rules, and even included all the Bible trivia questions you need so you don’t have to collect those to play. It includes: Illustrated lesson on sharing the Good News of Jesus, using the game of football as an object lesson. All needed graphics for a giant football playing board. Posters with the rules for easy reference. PowerPoint to go along with the lesson. Complete rules to the Kidologist’s fun, interactive game of Bible Football. A collection of PDF files to download and print for both the lesson and the…