A Little Peace and Quiet

Silent Night… Holy Night… All is calm… Draw near to gaze… Come and Worship… Saints before the alter bending… Rejoice, with heart and soul and voice… O tidings of comfort and joy… this Holy tide of Christmas doth bring redeeming grace… the world in solemn stillness lay… O hush the noise, ye men of strife… O rest beside the weary road… How still we see thee lie… deep and dreamless sleep… Fall on your knees… the Spirit felt its worth… one seems to hear words of good cheer from everywhere filling the air… (all these words are from Christmas Carols) DO THESE PHRASES DESCRIBE YOUR CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION? December used to be the busiest month of the year for me. From church events to personal parties and performing at other people’s events to… I don’t know what all. But by News Years Day I was so exhausted “Peace on Earth” seemed a distant memory. This year I am slowing December down. My calendar is mostly empty and I will be keeping close to home and just relaxing and taking it much slower. We are planning to have a Christmas Hour every day where we do just a little something as a…

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A Colonial Thanksgiving

It was a real treat to get to spend this Thanksgiving in Williamsburg, VA. I know that was last week – but after posting about leaving, arriving, meeting up with friends, and more friends, and about an awesome kids pastor, matching sweaters, and even trash cans I took a break from my computer from Wednesday through Sunday and it was wonderful to be off line for several days in a row. Now that I am caught up on the hundreds of e-mails I got behind on… I thought I’d finally post about Thanksgiving. It was like traveling back in time! Except for all the people wearing weird clothes… referring to myself and the other tourists. I actually thought it would be an interesting idea to have an area where you had to be in period costume to get in, that would be fun. (But then the digital camera would still be a give away!) I tied Luke to a horse post as I explained to him what it was. Seconds later, a carriage came by and the driver called out that Luke was tied where he was going to be shortly! Luke watching the horse and carriage. Mom and Luke…

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Why Patriotism?

Over on Kidology.org there is a hot discussion that was started by a brother “down under” who asked: Why do American Christians see the need to teach patriotism? Doesn’t God love all nations equally? (see full question and discussion here) I’ve been watching the conversation, discussing it with family and friends, and waiting to post my answer until I could really give it some thought, and decided to answer it here on my blog rather than just in the Kidology forum. I’d love your feedback here or there. My short answer would be, I have never taught “Patriotism” to kids in church, but I certainly have modeled it. They see my flag ties and my red-white-n-blue converse shoes I only wear on US holidays. There is no secret I love my country, but I don’t teach “patriotism.” What I have taught is gratitude to God for our blessings, many of which are being American, and civil responsibility, both which are not USA dependent. “nation” not “America” I can go on and on about what a good and amazing country this is, but that is beside the point. I think the Kidology discussion got off on that rabbit trail, which is…

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My First “Official” Father’s Day

2nd Annual Lake Geneva Father’s Day Picnic Last June I posted my first Father’s Day as a Dad, and in May last year some thoughts on finally being a Dad. This year, with the adoption final, it was nice to just BE a dad and enjoy Father’s Day as a dad without any question marks or fears or concerns. Of course, we marvel at how much he has grown! Father’s Day 2006 Father’s Day 2007 And, unlike last year, where the dressing in swim suit and photo-op lasted longer than the swim, this year, Luke LOVES to swim! Luke is all splashes and smiles this year! We adopted a fish! But what made 2007 extra special were some little critters that Luke won’t see again until he is 18 years old… yup, there were cicadas everywhere! Grandpa catches one! Boy oh Boy, Are These Things UGLY! (click for larger image!) Luke was hesitant to hold it, but wanted to poke it! But he mostly wanted to walk… with parents in toe! (That’s Grandma/Grandpa far left watching!) Or chill out in a grown up chair! It was a wonderful Father’s Day. Being a Dad is the Best Thing! Several family have…

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