Makes a “TOP 25” List

Group Publishing has honored me and my team yet again. They just published a “Top 25 Children’s Ministry Websites” list, and I was honored to see make the list. Back in 2010 Group named me as one of the top children’s ministry influencers in the past twenty years as they celebrated their own 20th anniversary as a magazine. It was a great honor not only for me, but for my entire team and all the wonderful kidmin leaders who have played a role in Kidology over the decades of ministry we have enjoyed. I posted my own list of influencers so I could pass the honor on. See: The Kidologist’s Top Influencers

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TWO FREE Kidmin Webinars THIS WEEK!

Hello! I wanted to make sure you knew that this week I am doing TWO FREE online seminars as a part of the totally free CMweb Summit, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of it. The first is: Thursday, October 23, 2014, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (MDT) It’s Called: Rebooting Your Kidmin Description: Ten Steps to Rebooting Your Kids Ministry from the Inside Out and Top Down! This workshop is for those brand new to leadership in children’s ministry, or those who may need to ‘start over’ more strategically. Get organized and learn the ‘insider secrets” to keeping sane while leading a kidmin. Leave encouraged and with a practical step by step strategy for building a ministry that can stand the test of time! The second is: Friday, October 24, 2014, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (MDT) It’s going to be fun! It’s a Virtual Tour of Description: Since 1994, before eBay, PayPal, YouTube or even Google (!) has been growing daily with the tools you need to succeed in children’s ministry. The site is massive! Enjoy Karl Bastian, (aka the Kidologist) giving you a virtual tour of all that is available…

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Happy Birthday

Happy 20th Birthday Kidology! It’s incredible to even think about, but before… and even The Internet gave birth to a site dedicated to EQUIPPING and ENCOURAGING Those Who Minister to Children It’s been an incredible 20 years, and while the Internet has exploded with new helps for those who minister to children, has remained the leader in content and services for those who minister to kids. Back in 1994 when very few people knew what the “Internet” was, I got an idea for a website, The KidologyWeb: I was already calling myself “The Kidologist” in my workshops as I sought to equip and encourage children’s workers to approach children’s ministry from the perspective of a child: By 1996 the first “Kidology Handbook” was published: VERY FEW people remember when (before I had that domain!) looked like this: OR when you clicked into it and saw crude pages like this: Only hundreds were lucky enough to BE on the Internet surfin’ kidmin back then! (And only a few bought the “Life Time Membership” I offered back then when I needed to raise some money to buy some much needed Microsoft FrontPage software…and yes, they are still members!) More remember…

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Blogging Tips for 2014

Start your New Year out with some blogging tips! In just a few months, I will have been blogging with this website for ten years. Kinda crazy! But that isn’t when I started blogging. I was blogging before there were blogs. I used to create webpages from scratch before any of the blogging platforms existed and would email friends a link to my post, like when I went to Alaska or flying with my dad. So when I started blogging, the Internet was a bit of a lonely place for blogs… but now there are well over 100 kidmin blogs worthy of reading! Over the years my blog has gone from in the Top 5 to now down in the mid-thirties on the “Top 100” list – and I celebrate this decline! It means that there are many people contributing weekly to what has always been my driving passion – to equip and encourage those in children’s ministry. While much of my kidmin writing ends up on instead of my blog, I have enjoyed seeing the amount of help for kids ministers growing steadily every year, even if that means my blogs “ranking” goes down some. It’s a team effort!…

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Karl the Pioneer?

As I have just spent the last two days driving across the “fruited plains” I have had time at the wheel to think again about the rich (and sobering) history of this Great Land. And I love to day dream about what life would have been like for myself and my family had we lived in a time when crossing it wouldn’t have been in an air-conditioned mini-van with cruise control and fast food stops or look-a-like rest areas on paved Inter-states – but perhaps along the Oregon or California Trails of 1840? A time when it took months at walking pace to travel hundreds of miles into the unknown leaving all comfort behind and going forward with only hope and courage. What would “Karl the Pioneer” be like? I have often been called a “Pioneer of the Internet.” In today’s definition of a pioneer I suppose that is true. If being a pioneer is to ‘bravely go where few have gone before,’ then sure. O.K. I was a pioneer. I was building webpages in HTML when most people didn’t have an e-mail address and “blogging” before WordPress or Blogger existed. I survived the “Dot Com Crash” because I built…

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