On an Island in the Middle of the Ocean…

On an island in the middle of the ocean, there is a Kidology.org member. Ever hear of Reunion? Neither had I. It’s a paradise island near Madagascar complete with a live volcano. While officially discovered by Europeans in 1507, it may appear on a map as early as 1153 AD – ruled over the years by the Portuguese, British and now the French. Just Google images of Reunion Island and you’ll discover some breath-taking pictures like out of a movie. It’s incredible! How did I come to discover this beautiful and fascinating island? When I got the following e-mail this week from a missionary working there: I hope I’m not too late to donate to the $20 for 20 years campaign. I’ve been praying the Lord would provide the money to donate for your 20 years celebrations. Last week we received a gift and it was easy to work out what the money was for & I’m so delighted that was God’s choice! Kidology has been my Kidmin lifeline on the mission field for so many years that I can’t imagine your ministry not being a part of ours. Thanks so much also for all the years of sponsorship that…

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Ask for Guesses, Not Answers

Years ago in an inner city ministry, I had a little boy in my class named Trevon. No matter what the lesson topic or Bible story, any time I asked a question his hand shot up and he was eager to answer. The only problem was, no matter what I asked, he always answered with an enthusiastic, “Moses!” Some teacher must have hit it out of the park telling Trevon the story of Moses. Feeling badly for him always being wrong, one Sunday I thought I’d be smart and “rig” the Q and A time for little Trevon. Though it had nothing to do with my lesson, I asked, “Who did God give the Ten Commandments to?” Of course, Trevon’s hand shot up again! I smiled as I called on him knowing he would finally be right! Instead, he hesitated and then timidly answered, “Jesus?” I was as dejected as Trevon when I had to say, “No, Trevon, it was Moses.” I felt terrible. I thought I had set this little guy up for success, but instead, I had caused him to fail yet again. I shared this story with a mentor that week who told me, “Karl, that’s because…

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Why Attending CPC is a Must!

If I had to sum up in one word why I go to the Children’s Pastors Conference every year, I know exactly what it would be. While there are many reasons to attend, there is one reason that trumps all the others. Some go to enjoy awesome adult worship – something they rarely get to experience in weekly ministry to children. Others in order to be trained in countless practical workshops – I teach some nearly every year, so of course I believe in the value they offer. Still others see it as an opportunity to hear from great speakers in the general sessions. In person always beats an online webinar. Many go because it is the only place you can be exposed to all kinds of kidmin resource providers in the country all in one place, and have all the publishers there to see what they are offering. A few see it as a chance to get away from the routine and familiar surroundings of their weekly church job… but while ALL of these are reasons I love the Children’s Pastors Conference, my #1 reason can be summed up in this one word: PEOPLE CPC is where I get…

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A Fun Game with Stacking Cups

I try to use Sport Stacking cups any chance I get because they always engage and excite kids, and they can be a great learning tool too. Tonight I was tasked with teaching on teamwork and how we all must work together using our different gifts and talents. So, as I often do when I need to teach is I mine the incredible content found in DiscipleTown units and looked that the How to Discover Gifts and Talents, and found a great game! In the lesson it suggested numbered Styrofoam cups (since that is available to anyone) but I prefer to use Speed Stacks cups. I made two sets of ten cups using ten different colors. (Yeah, I own a lot of stacking cups, including many discontinued colors.) Then I made slips of papers with the colors names on them. To choose volunteers I simply passed out the slips one at a time to ten volunteers. The Rules: They needed to make a pyramid, BUT they could only touch the cup of the color they were assigned. Teamwork and communication were needed! Round One: Simple pyramid, one on two on three on four cups. Any order, but each child could…

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Happy Birthday Kidology.org

Happy 20th Birthday Kidology! It’s incredible to even think about, but before… and even The Internet gave birth to a site dedicated to EQUIPPING and ENCOURAGING Those Who Minister to Children It’s been an incredible 20 years, and while the Internet has exploded with new helps for those who minister to children, Kidology.org has remained the leader in content and services for those who minister to kids. Back in 1994 when very few people knew what the “Internet” was, I got an idea for a website, The KidologyWeb: I was already calling myself “The Kidologist” in my workshops as I sought to equip and encourage children’s workers to approach children’s ministry from the perspective of a child: By 1996 the first “Kidology Handbook” was published: VERY FEW people remember when Kidology.org (before I had that domain!) looked like this: OR when you clicked into it and saw crude pages like this: Only hundreds were lucky enough to BE on the Internet surfin’ kidmin back then! (And only a few bought the “Life Time Membership” I offered back then when I needed to raise some money to buy some much needed Microsoft FrontPage software…and yes, they are still members!) More remember…

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