Boy Meets Girl

Luke has taken his first step into a larger world… no, not of the Force… of Girls. :) Recently we had a family over from our church whose daughter is one of Luke’s favorite friends. Though we may have to keep a closer eye on them now…. BOY MEETS GIRL Sitting together on the couch. How cute. Luke’s got an idea… She is so lovely, and she adores the attention!Whoa! He wasn’t expecting THAT! But he doesn’t seem to mind either! Ooooo, what was that? a kiss? And no, these pictures were not posed, we were just taking pictures and letting them play, though someone may have said “give a kiss.” I cant’ wait to show these at Luke’s wedding someday! I think Luke is already fulfilling Romans 16:16, I Cor. 16:20, II Cor. 13:12, I Thess. 5:26, and I Peter 5:14!JUST FULFILLING SCRIPTURE Reminds me of the young Bible College boy who was taking a girl he fancied on her first date, and the girl’s father, who happened to be a preacher, asked him as they were about to go out the door, “What are your intentions with my daughter, young man?” To which the boy replied, “Just to…

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Easter Bunny Secret Identity Revealed!

Sara, Luke, and Karl – Easter 2007 Easter 2006 was a day that was very significant in our little family. While we took Luke into our home on April 1st last year, it was on Easter Sunday one year ago that we met with the birth mother and she made her final decision to give him to us. And then the legal adoption process began. Since that process ended in December, we’ve been enjoying our life as a little family at the beginning of this Adventure called Parenting! See how he has grown! Here is last Easter: Karl, Luke, and Sara – Easter 2006 Now he is a cool little dude who can crawl, climb stairs, and stuff Cherioes down the heating vents! Ready for Church on Easter Sunday! A man comfortable in front of a camera! And then the Easter Bunny arrived! Oh, how embarrassing, er, I mean, exciting! Yes, that is me, dressed as the Easter Bunny. (blush) But in my defense, it was not my idea! My older sister handed me the costume just minutes before the family Easter Egg Hunt and says, “put it on” and what’s a dad to do? Let pride get in the…

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One Year Ago Today

It was one year ago today… a day that came “out of the blue” and changed my life forever, in more ways than I could ever have anticipated… I became a Dad. My fist Father’s Day at Lake Geneva Being a Dad has been my dream since I was a boy. Why? Well, I had a wonderful Dad, and he was my favorite person in the whole world, and I couldn’t wait to get to BE a Dad and be on the other end of the fun… inventing the adventures… creating the laughter… teaching the lessons of life. And while my dad was not perfect, he was real, and that was good enough for me. I hope that I too can be a real follower of Christ for my son, if not a perfect one. Me with Luke, the day he was Given to me. If I had been asked a year ago today what changes this little life would bring into my life, I would have never guessed how dramatically my life would change. I thought I could simply add “being a Dad” to an already critically over-loaded life. I was wrong. But I have learned my lesson, and…

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Luke Learns to Drive

One of the joys of fatherhood is teaching your son to drive. Well, the time has come for Luke to take this next important step in his human (manly) development… It started out as a quick trip to the dollar store to pick up my sister who’s car had broken down. Since it was a RARE warm afternoon, and a very short ride, I thought I’d let Luke have his first ride with the top down! (note the shades for wind, and the blanket for warmth!) Plus, mommy was out with a friend, so no need to worry about whether mom approved. (!) BUSTED! Just as I got to the end of the street, mom and her friend turned onto the street, and I was caught red-car-ed, er, I mean, red-handed! So mom jumped out of one car, and into mine to join us for the short ride! Best view in the world… (note Darth on the dash pointing which way to go!) Once we got to our destination, we had to wait for the toe truck, er, tow truck to arrive, so we had some time to kill. After too long in the dollar store asking, “How much is…

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9th Annual Success – I Kid U Not!

Hard to believe this was the 9th annual Kidology University here in Chicago. (14th Kid U if you count the ones in other states!) My new church played host and we had a great turn out, many of the rooms were standing room only, so next year we will be looking for an even larger facility. (leads anyone?) I enjoyed a break this year. No workshops. No EmCeeing, just taking pictures and visiting with our speakers and guests, it was a welcome change of pace for me. Especially walking around with my little boy. I was more daddy and less “Kidologist”… a refreshing change for me. Bill Allison was one of our many excellent speakers – one of the hallmarks of Kidology is that I am extremely picky about who speaks at a Kidology conference. All of our speakers embody our mission, Equipping and Encouraging. (but doing it while being Entertaining is ok too!) Master Ron, who as of yesterday is officially now “Pastor Ron” had the place cracking up with his balloon version of Samson and Deliah! And as our VIP, we had none other than Rob Biagi back! He is a V.I.P. to K.I.D.O.L.O.G.Y.! (not as catchy as…

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