My First “Official” Father’s Day

2nd Annual Lake Geneva Father’s Day Picnic Last June I posted my first Father’s Day as a Dad, and in May last year some thoughts on finally being a Dad. This year, with the adoption final, it was nice to just BE a dad and enjoy Father’s Day as a dad without any question marks or fears or concerns. Of course, we marvel at how much he has grown! Father’s Day 2006 Father’s Day 2007 And, unlike last year, where the dressing in swim suit and photo-op lasted longer than the swim, this year, Luke LOVES to swim! Luke is all splashes and smiles this year! We adopted a fish! But what made 2007 extra special were some little critters that Luke won’t see again until he is 18 years old… yup, there were cicadas everywhere! Grandpa catches one! Boy oh Boy, Are These Things UGLY! (click for larger image!) Luke was hesitant to hold it, but wanted to poke it! But he mostly wanted to walk… with parents in toe! (That’s Grandma/Grandpa far left watching!) Or chill out in a grown up chair! It was a wonderful Father’s Day. Being a Dad is the Best Thing! Several family have…

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Freedom is not Popular

Having been to fourteen other countries in Europe, Asia and Central America, I have the right to say that not only am I glad to be an American – PROUD TO BE AMERICAN – but I have the perspective to say that we are lucky to be Americans! Unless you are an immigrant – you are an American because you were born here and THANK GOD for that blessing! There truly is no better place on earth and may I say I am sick and tired of people, especially politicians and news reporters who talk like WE are the scourge of the earth and deserve every bad thing that happens to us. If we are hated, it is because we are better, and we ought to be proud of what makes us better, not make excuses for those who seek to destroy us. I’m not saying we are perfect, but we are not only #1 in the world in freedom and opportunity, we are #2 and #3 and #4 as well. Their is hardly a runner up in what America offers its people. It is no mystery why we have enemies – but it is because we are good, but…

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Happy Mother’s Day MOMMY!

By popular demand (seriously!), here are some pictures from Mother’s Day 2007: Mother’s Day began with a photo-op of Luke outside on the way to church…. Luke with Daddy’s Car… too cool. (the boy, not the car!) Trying to Look BIG and Tough (but too cute to pull it off) “What’s with the flowers, Dad, I’m a BOY!” Waiting for the women to be ready to leave for church. (get used to it, boy) And here is MOM with her happy boy on Mother’s Day! Luke gets his hands on daddy’s deck of cards… A magician in the making! Luke loves water, so the splinkers was the hightlight of his day! Luke helps daddy drive…. again. “Turn this way, daddy, according to the satelites!” We enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day relaxing at Sara’s parents, not far from the latest Chicago fire. It’s amazing how much Luke has grown since last Mother’s Day.

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Luke’s First Light Saber

Luke got to hold his first light saber this week. It wasn’t his, it belongs to his kissing friend, but she let him hold it. It was a light up one from a circus… Without any instruction or prompting, he knew exactly what to do with it: Strong in the Force Luke is Attacking his father! Good thing it was only a toy! Being a dad is so much fun! Uh oh, gotta change a diaper now. Light sabers are fun, but there is the practical side to fathering too… peew, gotta go!

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Luke Takes to Water like a Fish

I always heard dads talking about how being a father gave them new insights into being a child of God, and the same is happening to me; a lot. Be glad I don’t blog all of them. :) But I’ll save my latest lesson as a new dad for the end of this post. One of Luke’s very favorite things has been bathtime – he would sit in a tub and splash until he became a prune if we let him. He never tires of water. So as we headed off to vacation two weeks ago I was sooooo looking forward to the pool in Palm Springs where we would be for the second week of our trip. Luke’s first time in a swimming pool. As soon as we checked in, we went for an evening swim. I wasn’t sure if the vast size of a giant pool would intimidate him, but far from it… he took to it like a fish! Splash! Splash! Splash! Well, a fish being held by his father that is. The pool was giant and included a baby section with water only a foot and a half deep and a water slide where you could…

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