Write It… And Toss It

Saw this Calvin and Hobbes and it reminded me of some GREAT advice my dad once gave me… but first, enjoy the cartoon: Ever gotten so upset about something you sat down and HACKED OUT A LETTER? I have! There were many a letter I wrote that after showing to my dad for his input, he quietly read and then said, “It’s a great letter! Well written! Excellent points! Well organized and presented! Perfect arguments. Now throw it out.” Throw it out?! How could he compliment it so highly, and then tell me to throw my masterpiece out? He was helping me not make a bad situation worse since my letter would only pour gasoline on the fire. So was my letter a waste of time? No! My dad explained that “hot letters” are still good to write because they help you organize your thoughts… process your emotions and sort out the details of what happened. Then, after you toss your flaming masterpiece,  you’ll be better prepared to write the more diplomatic letter that will get results. OR, better yet, pick up the phone if you can’t meet in person. E-mail and text messages have kinda ruined the pace of…

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FREE eBOOK from KidCheck!

Hey, just found out about this FREE new resource from my friends at KidCheck and wanted to make sure you knew about it! It’s a FREE eBook called Optimizing Child Safety in Your Organization. It’s jam-packed with checklists, tips, and proven safety strategies. You’ll learn the following: • Why focusing on child safety attracts new families. • How to predator-proof your environment. • Seven steps for choosing the best volunteers. • The benefits of a Child Protection Policy. • Tips for using children’s check-in for more than attendance tracking. With this eBook, you’ll be equipped to create a safe & secure environment both now and in the future. Regardless of what system you use for your secure check-in system, you will find this eBook loaded with some practical tips, reminders and ideas! AND if you are looking at implementing a secure check-in system or re-evaluating your present setup, you owe it to yourself to at least set up a consultation with the good folks at KidCheck to have a pressure-free conversation about how to make your ministry more safe an Here’s a link to preview DOWNLOAD THE FREE eBOOK!

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10 Things You Should Never Do

Just some friendly advice: Do not put off backing up your phone or computer. Do not wear white socks with black shoes. Do not send an angry e-mail or text. Do not buy underwear at a thrift store. Do not donate underwear to a thrift store. Do not post “following” on a Facebook thread. (Please) Just select to be notified. Do not drive slow in the fast lane. Do not drive fast in the slow lane. Do not cut your own hair.* Do not run a children’s ministry without a secure check-in system! Need help with that? Visit Kidology.org/KidCheck. KidCheck exists to help you ensure the children entrusted to you are safe and secure. Kidology Members get a discount for the entire first year. Got questions? They’ll be happy to set up a call to walk you through the process – no pressure! Add a comment with something YOU think you should never do! *I learned this the hard way.

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“Thank you for that great program!” said no kid ever.

Jesus walked with people. Talked with people. Healed and helped and even hurt with people. While the religious leaders argued over the theological issues of the day, Jesus loved people. As a result, they did learn much from Him – but they didn’t come to Him for knowledge. They came to Him for help. They came to be noticed and loved. Every time I have had to leave a church ministry to follow God’s leading to a new ministry or phase of life, children have always blessed me with their notes, cards, poems, and drawings. But not one of them has ever thanked me for a specific lesson or a program I created or an event I worked so hard to pull off – they only mention personal experiences. If you want to impact kids the way Jesus impacted people, you must master the art of loving people before, during, and after your teaching. READ MORE…  

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Kids Need Practical LIFE SKILLS

Kids don’t need FLUFF, they need HELP navigating this challenging world. I can’t resist sharing this SNEAK PEEK at the next series ROCK SOLID! It’s going to have some AMAZINGLY PRACTICAL LIFE SKILLS for kids! (That adults could benefit from too, honestly.) How to read the Bible, how to pray, choosing friends, restoring broken friendships, and so much more. REAL SKILLS for REAL LIFE. Kidology.org/rocksolid – READY NOW for January and February, FREE for Kidology All Access Members. Here is a glimpse into some of the practical lessons the kids will be learning in the ROCK SOLID series: How to Read the WORD: How to PRAY: How to be a GOOD FRIEND: How to RESTORE  a broken friendship: I hope you’ll check out ROCK SOLID, there is so much practical teaching on the Basics of the Christian Life!

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