Creative Video Bible Story Telling

We’ve all seen and perhaps used videos in children’s church. But did you know you can make your own? Here is a GREAT sample from a church where I’ll be doing some teaching training in the new year (via skype). I think it is a great example of how you can make a video that requires NO MEMORIZED LINES! Kids LOVE to see themselves on video – as well their friends. Plus, the experience of making the video also reinforces the learning process. Here is how the creator of the video described it: This was a project that was Jesus-inspired.  I have NO videography, director, script writing, etc. experience, but after a test run with my kids I thought this could be doable.  It’s shot on my iPhone 6 and as you know, edited on iMovie. The beauty of this project is a) no memorized lines; b) the film shoot can be chaotic and I’m giving directions the whole time, but it’s all muted and voiced over; c) isn’t dependent on kids all showing up on a given Sunday to perform and half of them are out for colds or vacation; d) gives parents something to take home and share;…

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Johnny Magic BOX OPENING!

I’ve known Johnny Magic for many years. I’ve performed with him, highly recommended him, and learned from him as well. I like to joke that I want to be more like him when I grow up, except he is younger! So you can imagine how excited I was when Johnny Magic created a Magic Kit for kids! However, this is much more than just another magic kit. In addition to amazing tricks presented in a very cool case where kids can store them, it also includes an app with video instruction, another with background music and sound effects and yet another that is a super cool ticket scanner for your child’s show. (all free!) Beyond all that, Johnny includes training that will help kids learn how to be a great performer or presenter whether they use magic or another creative art. So when my son’s kit arrived in the mail – we made it an event and filmed the UNBOXING! Enjoy! Order yours TODAY! What a fantastic Christmas or Birthday Present! P.S. You can listen to Johnny explain the Magic Kit and the idea behind it on my latest podcast.

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A Gauntlet in Kidmin?

The Gauntlet was one of the best scenes in the classic movie staring Sean Connery as Kind Arthur – but it wasn’t until this week that I saw a Gauntlet used in kidmin! Was this some kind of new disciplinary device? Did the kids forget to bring their Bibles? What could this be? Actually, it was just a fun way to honor the kids who had completed a section in their Awana Handbooks – and judging by the smiles and laughter, they loved it. Is handing out candy or giving stickers not getting the results you’d like? Perhaps it is time to add a Gauntlet to your children’s ministry! Regardless of whether you start handing out swim tubes to leaders – I commend their creativity in doing some NEW and DIFFERENT to recognize kids and motivate them to participate. What creative thing are YOU doing to engage kids in your ministry?  

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Kids Napkin Art

I love sharing great ideas that I notice out and about. If you every visit Colorado Springs, make sure you visit Fargo’s Pizza. It’s an old-time pizza parlor, with player piano and all. I was there recently as a part of the Kidology Coaching Summit. After enjoying some great pizza and fellowship we were on the way out, and as I often do, I checked out the stuff they had for kids. What caught my eye was a framed collage of kid’s art. Here are some of the pictures close up: I think this is a great idea that could be easily incorporated into a children’s ministry. Whether you encourage kids to illustrate the sermon when they are sitting in “Big Church” or pass out a biblical coloring sheet for a coloring contest. You could do a Draw the Pastor contest or My Favorite Bible Story. Look at any parent’s refrigerator and you’ll have no doubt that kids LOVE to see their art displayed. Why not do the same at church where many more will see their art. PLUS, it shows off your children’s ministry to the pastor, parents and others who walk by the wall you have them displayed…

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What is your WOW factor?

I dropped by a church this week just to see a friend and drop something off. As is my habit, I took a peek in the kids area and saw these GIANT board games on the wall! I couldn’t help saying, “Wow” out loud and imaging the impact these have on kids on Sunday, especially guests visiting for the first time. They say we love kids! We value kids! We welcome kids! Before you simply react, “How do I get those? Can you buy them? Are there plans?” Ask yourself, “What can we do wow kids? To show parents they are loved, valued and welcome?” Sure, you can copy this idea, but you just might come up with something even better! It all starts with wanting to do something that is extra special, extra cool, and that will make your kids say “Wow!” on Sunday. At the church we are currently attending and serving it, their wow factor for my son started with an ice cream truck outside as we arrived our first Sunday, followed by donuts inside, of course, but then the kicker… Not one, but TWO jumpy houses in the children’s area. And this is a mobile church,…

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