Why Your Kid NEEDS a Comic Book Bible!

As a Children’s Pastor, I am often asked what Bible parents should get to their children, and often they looked surprised when I answer, “a comic book Bible.” Yes, kids need a REAL Bible, where they can look up Scripture and read the Word of God, but don’t under-estimate the power and educational value of a comic book Bible. I know personally the VALUE of a comic book Bible. My parents got me The Picture Bible back when I was 9 years old. I still have it. It has packing tape holding it together, and you’ll notice they had my name engraved on the cover: This is the original Picture Bible published by David C. Cook back in 1978: 1978! One year after Star Wars exploded on the American scene, the Picture Bible became my favorite book. I read it over and over. When the pastor started preaching, I tried to find the passage in my Bible, or at least the closest story to wherever he was in the Bible. My comic book Bible brought the stories of the Bible to life and helped me visualize them. Here is just one example of the great story of Elijah calling down…

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Blessed to Serve

What a great word of affirmation as we head in to 2021! None of us in ministry deserve it. We are not here because of talents, skills or gifts. It is wholly because of mercy and grace and God’s Call upon our lives. Serve with humilty and gratitude. After describing his own inadequacies, Paul goes on to say, “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that… Jesus might display his immense patience as an example…” (Verse 16) I am so blessed to be on staff at an amazing church, and to have the added blessing of an outlet through Kidology.org to Equip and Encourage others. As I head in to a new year I am overcome with gratitude.

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I often say there are Sundays that you just need to “break the mold,” and make the experience completely different for the kids. As soon as your lesson format is predictable, it is time to do something different! I often use 5th Sundays to do this, or when there is a holiday that doesn’t fit nicely with the curriculum schedule. This year is a perfect example! Easter is the 2nd Sunday of April, meaning that a 4 week Easter series needs to be started on the 2nd Sunday of March in order to end on the first week of April. This year, I’ve got two FUN “Mold Breaking” Sundays planned for the kids. For the first Sunday of January, before we kick off Secrets of the Ancient Scrolls, we are doing BIBLE-O-RAMA! Every year I tweak and improve them, and I love when users of it Bible Curriculum make their own additions! This year, Pastor Doug Olson added a really cool new feature designed to keep kids moving and encourage them to visit every station. It’s a Bible-O-Rama Passport! The kids get a sticker as they visit each station and a special prize if they complete each activity. If you…

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Goodbye 2020, Welcome 2021!

I can’t remember a New Year in my life where everyone was as eager for a New Year as this year entering 2021. It was a challenging year, to say the least. If you are reading this in January 2021, I don’t need to explain why, and I’m pretty sure if you are reading this years from now, I still won’t need to explain it. I suspect 2020 will be infamous for years, right up there with 1929, 1941 and 2001. This past year contained elements of each of these horrific years, financial attack, attack on freedom from a foreign country and the nation brought to it’s knees. However, the one major difference between 2020 and many other times of national crisis, the People of America rallied together. This time, they tore apart. And that’s as close to political commentary as I’m going to get. The impact on the church was devastating. Churches closed, services moved online and so much more that threatened our ability to be the church. Or did it? Some have said that 2020 broke many church. I disagree. If I’m thankful for anything in 2020, and I’m thankful for a lot, actually, I am thankful that…

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Hidden Messages

  I just created a FUN on screen word puzzle to get kids talking about biblical phrases. Put the phrases on screen and see if the kids can figure them out. You can download high resolution 16:9 images or a PDF version to print. An answer key is also provided. Here are a few SAMPLES: See them all and download at: Kidology.org/hiddenmessages

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