Managing Multiple iPhoto Libraries
I have often been asked to blog about Mac Tips (since I know a LOT of Mac secrets!) Well, tonight I responded to a fellow Twitterer with some help with iPhoto and after sending the e-mail, thought I’d post it here just in case it helps someone else. QUESTION: How to you combine multiple iPhoto Libraries onto one drive and access each of them? I recently combined all my iPhoto libraries onto one external drive because I had multiple iPhoto Libraries and it was getting a little crazy: Macbook Pro (2003-2006, and 2006-2008, i had started over when it got too big) macbook air (used when I travel) mac mini (family photos) mac G4 (scanning old family photos) But I got to where I had to keep switching between machines or remember which machine had which photos. I finally wanted to get them ALL onto my Mac Mini since it has the massive monitor and a double decker external drive for back up. While there is no easy way I know of to combine them all into one library, I actually don’t think you want to, every time I hit 10,000+ photos in a library it gets slow, because, as…