Making Lessons Relational with Green Screen

Kids learn best when there is a personal connection with those tho teach them. (So do adults, for that matter. It’s no mystery why the #1 reason people leave a church is that they don’t like the pastor.) If we don’t connect with our kids relationally, we reduce our impact.

There are lots of way to be a relational teacher. The Kidology Handbook is the book on the topic, but there are many fun ways to do it as well, by personalizing the little things you do every week.

Next week we conclude our Armor of God Series – it’s been a LOT of fun. The kids have really enjoyed our Roman Soldier we’ve been bringing through time to learn. (Watch videos of these lessons here.) The kids really enjoy Micah – he is a nut – and willing to do anything to engage the hearts and minds of our kids. (See Capturing Kids Imagination When You Teach.)

So when I needed to create an activity for small groups next week, I decided to incorporate Micah into the activity.


During the first week of this series, Micah showed up at church in his pajamas – and we ended up talking about how going into spiritual battle without the Armor of God is like going into battle with your PJ’s on! We need to be equipped for victory!


So next week, during our small groups (Trail Time) our small group leaders (Trail Guides) will be leading a relay/activity where they kids put the armor onto Micah. (If you’d like to see what our small group guides (Trail Maps) look like that we create every week, you can download the one that goes with this lesson here.

Bottom Line: Have fun with the PEOPLE who serve with you. The kids will love it, and the activity is better when there is a relational connection to it, rather than just some clip-art you downloaded online.


If fact, we painted a wall green in one of our classrooms so that we could have some fun with our Knight…

Step One: Some poses… (these are just a few samples)



Step Two: Download a Green Screen App (this is the one I use, it’s amazing)

Step Three: Have FUN!







Bottom Line: Personalize your kidmin – build on the relationships the kids have with you and your other teachers. The impact of your teaching will only increase!

Relational Ministry is not only more effective – it is more fun!

SEE ALSO: Karl’s FREE eBook, It’s About Relationships


  1. The green screen is genius! What fun. We are working on doing something like that. The pictures are great. I am wondering if I could have permission to download some of the green screen ones. I would like to merge the before pics with the resulting pics and then put them in a blog article. An image that had both the before and after pic in it would pin really well on Pinterest. Let me know if that would be OK.

  2. that would be fine! have fun!

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