Crippled for a Week! (and counting)

Labor Day 2005 – I can’t remember a better one ever, and this one ended up in the Emergency Room! (Yes, with me getting shots and stiches!) A family in my church invited Sara and I to go out on their boat on Lake Geneva (WI) for some fun boating, swimming, eating in town, tubing, and bleeding. ;) Well, ok, they didn’t invite me to bleed, but oh the memories! I had never ‘tubed’ like this before. WOW! What fun! As I always say, “I have a new hobbie!” (Though I’ve said that about many things I’ve only done once!) But the tubing was a blast and I went with the eldest of the three adorable girls. If you want to see me eat water, watch this: WIPE OUT! (QuickTime 7MB) This was before the accident. Then it was in to town for lunch with my cute date. :) Ahhhh, isn’t that romantic? :) (not pictured, the bandages and stains on the carpet.) Each of the girls is a sweetheart! Bundles of fun, energy and laughter! When sunset came, the view was wonderful. (By this time, the bleeding still hadn’t stopped) My highlight (besides bleeding) was holding on to this…

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What a Week!

I’m always saying to my wife, Sara, ‘As soon as life returns to normal….,’ to which she replies, ‘this is normal.’ Whew! What a week! Busy! But lots of fun. Crazy, insane, but exciting at the same time. The thing I like best about this blog is that it helps ME to keep perspective on all the great things God is doing – so that in the midst of all the deadlines, e-mails, paperwork, and chaos I don’t overlook all the good things that have happened. I often look at this blog and marvel at the fun things here, and know it looks like all I ever do is play – the hours at the computer, late nights at the office, nearly missed deadines, and overall scatter-brained activity isn’t blogged. People often ask me, “How do you find time for all the fun stuff when you have two very full time ministries to lead.” My answer is always, “I don’t find the time, I make the time.” If you don’t schedule fun, time with people, recreation, and travel – you’ll never do it. The important things in life never ‘pop up’ – you must make them happen in the midst…

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Pirate Parker Packs a Bootyfull Pirate Party!

WOW! I have been so insanely busy, I’ve not been able to do any blog posts and there’s been tons to blog about! This post took me over a week to finish and post, uploading about a pic an hour in the midst of the madness, but I wanted to get some pics up of my nephew’s pirate party last Friday! It began with a treasure map at his house, that led through some clues (including a stop at my house down the street) and was to end up on the beach at the ‘ship.’ Since there was no ship, I went up in the 100 degree attic at church and dragged out the pirate ship from 2002 VBS! And put it on the beach as a surprise complete with treasure! Kaptain Kid, Pirate Parker, and Long John Sara. Pirate Parker grows a Piratey Beard! Me and Zack, the Maniac! Me holding up Pirate Shane! In the end, it’s all about the cake!

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Revenge of the Birthday Party!

Today, cleverly disguised as P4-K4 (An Empirial Bounty Droid), my twin brother arrived on the scene of a rebel birthday party of a princess named Olivia. Forget the protocol and ettiquette – this droid ain’t one to mess with! Trained in the ways of the Force, this mild mannered droid packs a powerful (and wet) punch! After pledging his allegiance to Darth Vader (who, as you can see by the t-shirt, still loves his mom), to infiltrate and destroy this rebel outpost, he went on to Saber training. Jedi Master Nakooki trained all those in attendance in the finer arts of light saber battling. So far his plan to infiltrate these rebel scum was going along fine… They practiced their new skills sparring with each other… Each Jedi-wanna-be honing his (or her) skills so that they would be prepared to fight the enemy… little did they know, the enemy was already in their midst! Then it happened! One of the padawan learners, sensing a disturbance in the Force, struck out at the infiltrater while he was trying to refresh himself with a glass of water… His response gave him away and so he lept down from the patio and it…

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Golfin’ Campin’ Partyin’

OK, OK, just to get my brother off my case, I’ll blog already! I’ve been pretty busy!! It’s been hard to find the time, plus I was UNPLUGGED from the Internet from last WED-SAT! What have I been up to?? GOLFIN’ Once again, it was time for another VCB STAFF MINI GOLF TOURNAMENT. Of course, who wins doesn’t matter – it’s all about the fellowship. (since I didn’t win)Pastor Dave is still trying to repeat his amazing victory from 1999 when he was in second place (behind me) and won first place on a hole in one on the 18th hole!!! AND it was on a steep drop with NO way to aim. At best, anyone could get a two par, but after his lucky shot, I missed my two to tie him trying to tap in an amazing tee off (did I mention down a steep drop?), and ended up in a miserable second place. Pastor’s Dave’s victory was TOTAL LUCK and while I have completely forgotten about it and moved on and finished my counseling on it, I just thought I’d mention it. Pastor John won our last time out, but this time the Force was not with…

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