Luke Goes to Luke’s!

Well, Dadddy gets to go to off to work and other places, and usually Mommy is home alone with the Little Boy for hours on end… so today, Dadddy kicked Mommy out of the house – sent her off to do whatever she might enjoy while Daddy played Mr. Mom all day… and what fun we had! Here is the sweet little boy sleeping like, uh, well, like a baby. But getting to this blissful state takes a little work sometimes. One of my favorite tricks is cuddling with the boy having quality bonding and lovey time, and then pullin’ the old bait n’ switch… little boy falls alseep with Daddy only to replaced by pillows! To master this Daddy move, Verrrrrrrrrrrry slowly first replace the arm under baby’s head with one pillow, keeping your hand on baby and face close in case he peeks…. then slip away holding his hand and replace your body with another pillow. Finally, help him clutch the pillow case thinking it is your shirt… and your FREE! They do eventually wake up and figure out they’ve been had…. but that’s ok, got some work done! Next it is time for some motivational training and…

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Baby Luke Video Online!

Click on the Image above to watch the sweetest video you ever saw. BabyLukeEaster2006.mp4 (25.6 MB MP4 file) NOW ALSO AVAILALE as an MOV QuickTime file. (16.7MB) Tech Note: Created simply with iPhoto. Choose your images – hit slide show – choose song – click ‘export’ as video – share. Done. ENJOY! (Another Beautiful Mac Thing)

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Signs of Spring…

Figures… plan a project to be indoor all day all week, and the weather will be beautiful! There are lots of signs of Spring…. like graffiti! Yes, I came outside in the dark after painting all day and found my car had been vandalized by the youth of the church. Though, you can’t really complain about having “I love Pastor Karl” spralled across your window! Another view of the artwork… Not visible in the glare is an Apple Mac apple. :-) That’s right! It’s a PK Cruiser! (not pt) So it was off to the car wash to get my car all cleaned at my local BP gas station. I was curious if the auto car wash could get the lettering off… It tried really hard, but I still had to hand wash the windows afterward. This was cool, you could read the “PK Cruiser” in the rear view mirror. It is, of course, reversed on the back window reading from the inside, but reversed again when read in the mirror, so what you are actually seeing is double-reversed. I know, I am easily amused! Back to “Signs of Spring.” On my drive in this morning, I had to stop…

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PK’s Apple MacBook Pro Review – not happy

Has the MacBook Pro lived up to all the hype? Am I still as happy about it as I was when I posted my longest blog post ever? In One line: Still rather be on a Mac, but not enjoying the return of nervousness. It is no secret – I am a convert. I love all my Macs and even bought my wife one finally so she could be computer problem free / virus free / spyware free and overall have more time for the rest of life…. but am I still as happy as NOW as I was in the picture above when my MacBook Pro arrived? no. I really could have waited, and maybe I should have. Now don’t get me wrong, I am as passionate as ever about the Mac, and am still convinced that anyone who loves time, enjoys productivity, and hate viruses/spyware/virus software/ and constant problems should still switch to Mac…. and their life will drastically improve, BUT while I am still very pleased with the OS and all the integration of software on the Mac, my MacBook Pro has significant issues that make me wish I could return it and go back to my…

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Life is CRAZY!

Seriously, if it wasn’t for the kids… I’d go nuts! Man, I have not had time to blog. I’ve been sick for weeks, (still recovering!) I’ve been to California to do some speaking at Christian schools about Order of the Ancient, organized and pulled off a 4-6th grade winter retreat with over 450 kids/leaders, church family event (tonight!), had family visit, all the regular church stuff plus special Sunday evening programs (Lego Nites! during the adult small groups 40 day adventure), got a new computer (MacBook Pro) and been working on a total rebuilding of our church’s website (launching soon) and am behind on a zillion other things and leaving for Kansas City CPC on Monday morning… but to prove I am alive to all those e-mailing me and thinking I must be dead if I don’t blog…. here are a few pictures from the past few weeks… I hope to do some longer posts soon. LOTS of fun and exciting stuff happening… just no time to reflect or write about them right now. But if you are going to CPC/KC be sure to drop by the eZone and say hello! Fun to have nephew and neice along on the…

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