As the son and son-in-law of pastors, and a book lover myself, I have inherited and collected on my own a LOT of great books. Bible commentaries, Christian living, topical, popular authors, Christian college textbooks, apologetics, Bible study tools, biographies, many ancient books from famous Christians of the past such as Moody, Ironside and Torrey, and on and on. I’d love to get rid of a many of them, but my options are all no good when I try to think of HOW to do this: Throw out? Would kill me to see good books trashed, I’m not a Nazi! Thrift store? Do they really want them? Will Christians look there? (majority are Bible tools, antique text books, and popular modern books) E-bay? Too much work to photograph, add, ship, etc. for books that won’t sell for much and many are great titles no one may ever “search” for, but I know Christian leaders would love if they saw them. Kidology Garage Sale? I’ve thought of adding them there in bundles, as I can set a price, but again, its a lot of work for little profit for the time invested. I’ve thought of bundling sets of 10, but that…
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