The Cure for Smart Phone Addiction

Last Sunday, our pastor continued a series called Satisfied. He shared some amazing statistics about Americans and their cell phones: 66% of Americans feel anxious if they are separated from their device. 58% do not miss one waking hour without checking their smart phone. 59% of Americans check email as soon as comes in. 89% of Americans check their device every single day, even on vacation. 80% of teenagers sleep with their phone! 84% of Americans believe they couldn’t go a day without their phone. The average cell phone user checks their phone 150 times a day! In fact, many people check their cell phone first thing in the morning and as the last thing they do before going to sleep. They go to bed and wake up checking their smart phone. While some people are worse than others, all of us, I believe, probably check their phone more than necessary. There is no doubt that we live in a world where our smart phone is now practically a part of our body. How many times have you been in a room filled with friends or family and everyone is on their device rather than enjoying each other? Well, I…

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Yosemite Summit Report and Video

ALSO available on Yosemite Summit 2014 Report One of the best decisions I ever made in life was to start Yosemite Summit. I can still remember how nervous I was the first year – it was an incredible step of faith to put money down on a lodge not knowing if any guys would even sign up. I’ve now completed seven Summits. Each year God brings together a completely different group of men – sovereignly gathered by God for a week of unplugging from the busyness of ministry to reconnect with God in an incredible way. What are the benefits of Yosemite Summit that these men benefit from? Let me share a few with you… (click on any image to view larger) They get to spend time strengthening their foundation by spending quality time with the Rock. They gain a new objectivity on their life and walk with God. They learn to see God in nature in new and creative ways. They learn to enjoy the journey over the destination. They gain a heightened perspective on life. (Can you see him there?) They learn that even when you can’t see God at work… He is still there. Sometimes it’s…

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The Day the King Unlocked the Gates (free eBook for kids)

Found another hidden treasure! One of the most difficult things to explain to children (or adults for that matter) is the ‘problem of evil.’ It is a philosophical issue that troubles even the most inquiring minds, but doesn’t escape the simple minds of children either. What is ‘free will?’ Why did God give it to us? Why do so many people not believe in God, or even know about Him – if He is truly all knowing and all-powerful? And if He is so loving, why does He allow so much evil in this world? He must be either not all-powerful, not all-knowing, or not all-good for there to be so much in this world that isn’t good! All fair questions. I attempted to answer them years ago with a story I wrote called THE DAY THE KING UNLOCKED THE GATES. I’m no artist – but I even did the illustrations myself and reproduced this book for the kids at my church. I have only a paper master, so I’ve scanned it and created a eBook PDF for your enjoyment. I do hope you will read it to your kids and let me know what you think! It addresses free…

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A Dad’s Gotta Do What a Dad’s Gotta Do!

Sometimes a dad’s just gotta do, what a dad’s gotta do! Recently Children’s Pastor Mark Jones, of sent me a copy of his new book, A Dad’s Gotta Do What a Dad’s Gotta Do. It looked so fun, I immediately sat down and read it to my son. I had no idea what it would be about, and was pleasantly surprised to discover just how much it would mirror my daily life with my own son. I don’t want to spoil the story too much – but it basicly is about a way a dad made his son feel loved one day on the way to school. We enjoyed it so much, we immediately made a “thank you” video for Mr. Mark and posted it to YouTube: Then I asked if we could sell his book on Kidology so we could help get his book into the hands for more dads! He enthusiastically said, “Yes!” So pick up your copy ASAP!  

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Time to UNPLUG and Reconnect

Have you ever wanted to UNPLUG from the hectic busy pace of ministry life? That is the entire point of Yosemite Summit. It is a week where you are unplugged in every sense of the word. No computer, no e-mail, no phone calls, no work, no deadlines, no ’emergencies’, no pressure. Better than a day off spent catching up on personal things – it is a complete break for the sake of complete rest and renewal. I was once told by a very wise mentor, “Karl, you need to stop being a human doing, and learn to become a human being.” That is what Yosemite Summit is all about. It is an annual cessation of activity. Too often we confuse busyness with what God is truly seeking from us. Not that we aren’t busy doing good things! But we get so busy doing these good things, that our relationship with God can grow distant, and soon God is wondering, why or who we are truly busy for? Stopping, completely, once a year is an opportunity to recalibrate. It is a time for reflection and renewal. It is not a time of evaluating ministry goals and seeking a new “ministry vision”…

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