Dealing with Problem People

For Kidmin Talk #157, I decided to share one on my Coaching Zoom calls since the topic is one that is so important to ministry leaders. The primary reason fail in ministry has nothing to do with skills or performance, it is because people can’t get along with others. Learn the secrets of getting along with others, especially difficult people! Links and show notes available at

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JOIN ME for my First Master Class: Thriving in Ministry

It doesn’t matter how talented, skilled or experienced you are in ministry. If you burn out, none of that will matter. Ministry is TOUGH. You must take care of yourself! YOU are the most important part of your ministry. That’s why you need to join me for a 6-week Master Class that will ensure that you not only survive ministry, but thrive in ministry. The First Master Class starts in January – and space is limited! 1. January 6th through February 14th – Thriving in Ministry – Become who you must be to thrive personally while growing a ministry. Included: Admittance to a closed Facebook Group for direct Access to Karl throughout the course. You get Priority help from Karl as you work through the material. Two live webinars with training content as well as Q and A time with Karl. Additional video challenges and bonus content provided in the Group, often in response to needs from students. Coaching to accomplish your personal and ministry goals! Textbook Requirement: Kidology’s Ultimate Toolbox for Children’s Ministry Purchase the book and get the digital version FREE! The same textbook is used for the first five Master Classes, so there is only one book…

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His Kidmin Yoke is Easy

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 If Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10:10) and to make our joy complete (John 15:11), then why are so many in ministry worn out, stressed out, and secretly ready to drop out of ministry? Why is it that so often those who know they were called by God to serve Him find themselves second-guessing that same call when life and ministry become almost more than they can bear? Whenever I am asked to speak or write on “avoiding burn out,” I can’t help chuckling to myself. Not because the topic is funny, but because the joke is on me. I know that when I needed to hear such things, I was unable or unwilling to. Why? I loved ministry! I was driven by the pressure that comes from wanting to make a difference. My favorite Calvin and Hobbes quote was when Calvin declared, “I…

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Improve Your Ministry in 2016!

Christmas is just around the corner, and before you know it 2016 will be here! If you are like me, you already are starting to think about goals for the New Year. You are starting to day dream about ways you want to improve your work habits, how you can work smarter, be more efficient and ultimately be better at what you do. Children’s Ministry is incredibly demanding! There is always more to do than time permits. The secret to success is to do what matters most and in the best possible way. Many Kidology members over the years have discovered my Kidology Online Training. It is simply one the most enjoyable and effective ways you can take your ministry up several notches in the New Year. In a nutshell, it is five short self-guided training sessions that come with both a video training and supporting materials so you can learn on your own time, go at your own pace, and watch as your personal and professional skills improve. Why not make one of your 2016 goals to go through my Online Training Course? Its easy, fun, and has the potential to make you the best you can be in…

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3 Quick Tips When You Are Stressed Out

OK, you don’t have a lot of time for this post – because you have a zillion other things you really should be doing, need to do, should have done, and ought to do. So I’ll get to the point – ready? 1) Don’t make any Big Decisions while you are stressed out. Stay the course, time for reflection and evaluation and possible changes will come. Put off reactionary changes/decisions until you can calmly and objectively think clearly. As my dad used to say, “Bad decisions can always be put off to make later. Good decisions take time.” 2) Walk away for a few minutes. Pray. Breath. Ask what can go? What can be left undone? Usually something can. If you’re not sure, ask your spouse. Then, stick it out and do whatever you got yourself into (that can’t be dropped) but remember how you feel now. You’ll need that for evaluating later. 3) Look at your calendar and look ahead. Find a breather spot. Plan something refreshing and enjoyable NOW. Even if it is weeks away, you’ll have something to look forward to. Give yourself a light at the end of the tunnel. A date? A day off? A…

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