iPhoto HACK – How to Use Mulitple Libraries

Is your iPhoto Library OVERFLOWING? Do special events flood your Apple iPhoto with hundreds, even thousands of pictures? Is is hard to find pictures from past event when it is time to promote the next annual event? THE SOLUTION: Using multiple iPhoto Libraries. Let me show you how in this short video:

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Your iPhone’s SECRET Button!

Did you know your iPhone has a SECRET BUTTON? That cool logo on the back, you thought that was just a logo, eh? It is actually a SECRET BUTTON that you can use to do tasks that otherwise would take more time or more fingers to do! It’s so cool I just had to share it. How would like to just double-tap the back of your phone with your finger to activate Siri? Or take a screen shot? Maybe quickly lock your screen or even find your keys? Well, if you have iOS14 installed, you can! Here is how to do it: 1. GO TO SETTINGS 2. GO TO ACCESSIBILITY 3.  GO TO TOUCH 4.  SCROLL DOWN TO “BACK TAP” 5.  CHOOSE WHICH YOU WANT TO SET, Double Tap or Triple Tap. These are the only two options. Unfortunately, there is no option for 8 or 17 taps! 6.  THEN CHOOSE WHAT YOUR DOUBLE-TAP OR TRIPLE-TAP WILL DO! I choose Siri for Double Tap and Screen Shot for Triple Tap since those are two commands I use a lot! HAVE FUN! Let me know if it worked for you, and what commands you chose for your SECRET BUTTON on the…

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Think Differently

Steve Jobs and Apple made famous the phrase, “Think Differently,” but creative “out of the box” thinking is not limited to technology developers. It applies to children’s ministry too. Creative innovators see the world differently. They reject how things have “always been done.” They see things in a new way. Just yesterday I saw a car port in the Home Depot parking lot where most saw a cart bin. OK, that might not be children’s ministry – but are you constantly looking for ways you can see things differently? How can things be done differently? What new approach can I try? How have we never done it? Let me give you a great example from my good friend and amazing children’s pastor friend, Shelly Sexton down in sunny Florida. She recently brought me in to do some magic for a huge summer outreach she was doing call “Kingdom Hearts.” They rented a civic center, built a castle and brought in hundreds of kids and more volunteers than I could count to creatively share the Gospel with their community. Secure check-out in this unique setting was a challenge. The previous year they did it similar to how Sunday’s are done at…

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Get the Kidology App – and an App for Your Kidmin!

NEED KIDMIN HELP?ON THE GO? — > THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! We are excited to announce that Kidology.org now has an iPhone/iPad App! Not only can you quickly and easily see what’s new in the Zones, Store, my blog, etc. – there are bonus tools for sharing the Gospel, a free eBook, and more! There is even a fun (but challenging) flappy bird style game to waste time with! Play Flappy Bulb! PLUS, find out how you can get an APP FOR YOUR OWN KIDMIN and as a Kidology Subscriber, save on a custom app for your own Children’s Ministry. Details in the App! So now you can have Kidology.org anywhere you are! GET IT NOW!

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Steve Jobs Created the iPad for Kidmin!

Since everyone and their brother is jumping on the “what Steve Jobs would say” band wagon, I’m going to jump on too and suggest that Steve Jobs would be delighted that his invention of the iPad has just made kids safer at church! Now, I know he wasn’t a big fan of things religious, but I think even he would be pleased to know that because of KidCheck‘s new iPad App the following are true: Checking in kids securely at church is faster and easier! (and more relational) Parents can enroll their children with ease on their own iPads! Parents can instantly add or remove approved guardians with KidCheck acocunts right from their own iPads. Leaders can check if someone picking up a child is approved quickly and easily if they have a licensed iPad approved by the leadership. Medical information can be attained quickly and easily in an emergency by an approved leader instantly by scanning a child’s name tag using the camera on an iPad right from within the new KidCheck App! Parents can use an iPad at a station at church to check their children in or be greeted by a friendly staff member at church who…

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