FREE Thanksgiving Video Lessons!

Wow! How would you like some amazing FREE Thanksgiving Video Based lessons from Pop Up Good News? These fun, interactive teaching videos are ideal for your young learners and the topic is perfect for November! Whether you use them in your regular programming or for a time when you need to provide quality care – make it a productive time with Pop Up Good News! Watching these reminded me of watching Nina on Sprouts when my boy was little. Each video also comes with a lesson plan and activity sheets. I know the best way to evaluate something is to TRY IT, so I asked the creator if he would share a lesson with Kidology Premium Members, and Scott surprised me by offering an entire series on Thanksgiving! That’s FIVE complete videos and lessons. How can you get this? Log into your membership on and visit the Member Perks for November. Then, head over to to learn about how you can get these videos and lessons each and every month for your young learners!

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TWO FREE Kidmin Webinars THIS WEEK!

Hello! I wanted to make sure you knew that this week I am doing TWO FREE online seminars as a part of the totally free CMweb Summit, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of it. The first is: Thursday, October 23, 2014, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (MDT) It’s Called: Rebooting Your Kidmin Description: Ten Steps to Rebooting Your Kids Ministry from the Inside Out and Top Down! This workshop is for those brand new to leadership in children’s ministry, or those who may need to ‘start over’ more strategically. Get organized and learn the ‘insider secrets” to keeping sane while leading a kidmin. Leave encouraged and with a practical step by step strategy for building a ministry that can stand the test of time! The second is: Friday, October 24, 2014, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (MDT) It’s going to be fun! It’s a Virtual Tour of Description: Since 1994, before eBay, PayPal, YouTube or even Google (!) has been growing daily with the tools you need to succeed in children’s ministry. The site is massive! Enjoy Karl Bastian, (aka the Kidologist) giving you a virtual tour of all that is available…

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Karlos es el Fundador de

Did you know I have the privilege of writing for a Spanish Children’s Ministry magazine? it is called Entre Ninos and it’s a wonderful ministry for the Spanish speaking segment of the Kingdom that ministers to children. There are often discussions on Kidology lamenting that there aren’t more resources for this demografic, and I’m always pleased to tell them about the Kidology Handbook that I have available for free in Spanish as well as Entre ninos that is loaded with Spanish resources. Often English speaking folks (like us) are just not aware of all that is available. I’m pleased to be contribting (freely) to this incredible resource and hope you will help spread the word! To read my current article, download the current issue free at – but here is a previous article you can download as well.  

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Steve Jobs Created the iPad for Kidmin!

Since everyone and their brother is jumping on the “what Steve Jobs would say” band wagon, I’m going to jump on too and suggest that Steve Jobs would be delighted that his invention of the iPad has just made kids safer at church! Now, I know he wasn’t a big fan of things religious, but I think even he would be pleased to know that because of KidCheck‘s new iPad App the following are true: Checking in kids securely at church is faster and easier! (and more relational) Parents can enroll their children with ease on their own iPads! Parents can instantly add or remove approved guardians with KidCheck acocunts right from their own iPads. Leaders can check if someone picking up a child is approved quickly and easily if they have a licensed iPad approved by the leadership. Medical information can be attained quickly and easily in an emergency by an approved leader instantly by scanning a child’s name tag using the camera on an iPad right from within the new KidCheck App! Parents can use an iPad at a station at church to check their children in or be greeted by a friendly staff member at church who…

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The Day the King Unlocked the Gates (free eBook for kids)

Found another hidden treasure! One of the most difficult things to explain to children (or adults for that matter) is the ‘problem of evil.’ It is a philosophical issue that troubles even the most inquiring minds, but doesn’t escape the simple minds of children either. What is ‘free will?’ Why did God give it to us? Why do so many people not believe in God, or even know about Him – if He is truly all knowing and all-powerful? And if He is so loving, why does He allow so much evil in this world? He must be either not all-powerful, not all-knowing, or not all-good for there to be so much in this world that isn’t good! All fair questions. I attempted to answer them years ago with a story I wrote called THE DAY THE KING UNLOCKED THE GATES. I’m no artist – but I even did the illustrations myself and reproduced this book for the kids at my church. I have only a paper master, so I’ve scanned it and created a eBook PDF for your enjoyment. I do hope you will read it to your kids and let me know what you think! It addresses free…

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