24 Days of Thankfulness

Today I launched a little Thanksgiving Project over on Kidology.org called “24 Days of Thanks-Giving” – basically I am providing a simple Word doc you can download and every day from Nov. 1 until Thanksgiving add ONE thing you are thankful for.

It’s really just something I need to DO MYSELF – but I thought maybe others might want to join me, and I’d enjoy reading/seeing what others are thankful for. So you are welcome to use the Word doc, or just post in the forum what YOU are thankful for! So let me begin today, with my first post. These are NOT going to be in priority order, otherwise I’d have to go God, Family, etc. and then later on, people might judge me for putting one thing “above” or “before” another – so right out of the gate let me say, these posts will be in RANDOM ORDER of things I am THANKFUL FOR!

DAY 1Yosemite

DAY 2God’s Word

DAY 3My Mom

DAY 4Photography

DAY 5Pandora

DAY 6George Lucas

DAY 7Breckenridge

DAY 8Barq’s

DAY 9Mercy & Grace

DAY 10Steves

DAY 11Freedom

DAY 12Luke

DAY 13Sara

DAY 14My Bookkeeper

DAY 15Science

DAY 16Da Cloud

DAY 17Awana & Sunday School

DAY 18My Dad

DAY 19True Friends

DAY 20Scottevest

DAY 21My Customers

DAY 22Tennis Balls

DAY 23Flight

DAY 24Jesus

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