Day 15 – Thankful for Science
This is part of a series called 24 Days of Thankfulness. These posts are in RANDOM order, NOT priority order. Each is something I am thankful for leading up to Thanksgiving. DAY #15: Science Today I had a really bad headache. My mom suffered from migraines too. However, I can get relief from them faster than my mom due to medications that were not available to her – because of the advance of science. In 2009 I felt a heart attack coming on – I hurried to an emergency room. I avoided a heart attack and got a stent put in instead. I was told not so long ago, I would have died a 40 year old, but advances in science have given me a re-enforced heart and a new lease on life. Much forgotten by atheists and evolutionists, it was Christians who opened the doors to science since Christians were the ones unafraid to study the body and wanted to learn more about the universe they believed God had made – but I won’t go there in detail here. Science continues to substantiate the details of the Bible in archeology, history and in several other areas. For example, many…