Day 15 – Thankful for Science

This is part of a series called 24 Days of Thankfulness. These posts are in RANDOM order, NOT priority order. Each is something I am thankful for leading up to Thanksgiving. DAY #15: Science Today I had a really bad headache. My mom suffered from migraines too. However, I can get relief from them faster than my mom due to medications that were not available to her – because of the advance of science. In 2009 I felt a heart attack coming on – I hurried to an emergency room. I avoided a heart attack and got a stent put in instead. I was told not so long ago, I would have died a 40 year old, but advances in science have given me a re-enforced heart and a new lease on life. Much forgotten by atheists and evolutionists, it was Christians who opened the doors to science since Christians were the ones unafraid to study the body and wanted to learn more about the universe they believed God had made – but I won’t go there in detail here. Science continues to substantiate the details of the Bible in archeology, history and in several other areas. For example, many…

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24 Days of Thankfulness

Today I launched a little Thanksgiving Project over on called “24 Days of Thanks-Giving” – basically I am providing a simple Word doc you can download and every day from Nov. 1 until Thanksgiving add ONE thing you are thankful for. It’s really just something I need to DO MYSELF – but I thought maybe others might want to join me, and I’d enjoy reading/seeing what others are thankful for. So you are welcome to use the Word doc, or just post in the forum what YOU are thankful for! So let me begin today, with my first post. These are NOT going to be in priority order, otherwise I’d have to go God, Family, etc. and then later on, people might judge me for putting one thing “above” or “before” another – so right out of the gate let me say, these posts will be in RANDOM ORDER of things I am THANKFUL FOR! DAY 1 – Yosemite DAY 2 – God’s Word DAY 3 – My Mom DAY 4 – Photography DAY 5 – Pandora DAY 6 – George Lucas DAY 7 – Breckenridge DAY 8 – Barq’s DAY 9 – Mercy & Grace DAY 10 –…

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Proof of Evolution Discovered!

I got to spend some time yesterday with family and friends in two of my favorite places in Colorado – Castlewood Canyon State Park, and Garden of the God. (I leave the ‘s’ off, there is only one God.) Little did I know the surprise that would await me and rock my Faith! But first, some pictures! I worship through my camera, so allow me to post a few pictures. A few more are on my facebook page. (If you send me a friend invite, include a short personal note, or I will ignore it due to spam.) I just can’t get enough of God’s creative art in the mountains and trees that He has created! And I love seeing my little boy fall in love with Creation! These rocks fell and caught here years ago… a sample of God’s sense of humor! I love watching these climbers… tempted to join them, but… well, I won’t. We saw this cave and it beckoned… So we climbed up into it! That’s my boy! Here he is again! One of my favorite spots to shoot every time I go to Garden of the God(s). It on a popular route and everyone walks…

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The Secret to Navigating the Evolution Debate

As I was surfing the web tonight, I stumbled upon an article about how deep the Congo river is: Evolution in the Deepest River in the World. As often happens if the word “evolution” is used, an evolution debate broke out in the comments. I get both amused and frustrated reading such conversations. Both by ignorant or arrogant evolutionists as well as overly simplistic or dogmatic anti-evolutionist. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind disagreeing with evolutionists. I have a honorary evolutionist friend who reads my blog (and will most likely jump on this post) and is now a friend on facebook (you know who you are) who I’ve enjoyed sparing with because he wasn’t arrogant or condescending even as he sharply disagrees with my theology and science – in fact, I’d rather argue with him than many Christians who I find petty or too quick to quote a Bible verse rather than use their brain. So for the sake of knowing someone will read it, I want to re-post here, my soap-box comment that I posted on the article linked above. Feel free to add your comments below: (I was limited to 2000 characters, hence the brevity) I love…

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